
Meßkirch: Neuer Dienstleister für die Biberbahn

Meßkirch: Neuer Dienstleister für die Biberbahn

A new subsidiary, the Regionenbahn GmbH, will start in July, the Biberbahn-Züge on the Ablachtalbahn-Strecke unterweg since. The new company is planning to inform the Federal Railway at Samstag on September 21, an inter-regional, political special event in the district of Konstanz, about communication and communication about the chances of the railway development project of Singen nach Rielasingen and of Radolfzell about stocks after mixing , who Frank von Meißner, one of the two Geschäftsführer der Regionenbahn GmbH on Anfrage des SÜDKURIER miteilte.

The Regionenbahn GmbH fährt in Kooperation with and in the Auftrag of DB Regio die Züge, the Biberbahn in Freizeitverkehr zwischen Stockach unterwegs since. This country has ordered many features and value labels from the DB Regio. “If we have the best soul of the DB, the know-how of the DB as the German largest player in terms of regional knowledge and the right motivation and regional connections with other combinations. Damit wollen shared with the guests an optimal experience on the Biberbahn bieten“, explains Frank von Meißner. There is a sales guide for the Ablachtalbahn. The owners of Strecke are the Gemeinden Sauldorf and Meßkirch.

The DB Regio is modernizing the new, white Landes-Design, which features WLAN, larger vehicle parts and air conditioning ...

The DB Regio has modernized the new, white Landes-Design one, which offers more comfort with WLAN, larger vehicle parts and air conditioning; here at the new Haltepunkt Mühlingen-Zoznegg. | Image: Frank von Meißner

  1. Mietet die Regionenbahn GmbH das rolling Material? Dazu told Frank von Meißner with: “The maintenance of the DB region is profitable and efficient – ​​modern and timely in the modernization of the Triebwagen vom Typ Regio-Shuttle with Lower Flureinstieg, Klimaanlagen, WLAN and large Fahrradabteilen – Zugreifen . Make sure that DB’s mobile sales, which allow a single sale of the unused tickets after a few hours and sailing, are possible. The DB is looking for the future plans of the Biberbahn-Züge deutschland- und Europaweit (zum Beispiel über“ The Regionenbahn GmbH kümmere in de eigen Verantwortung, die Züge dann tatsächlich. This means that all the requirements of the railway right are aligned with the 6th and 7th generation of all the requirements that are made to the requirements of the railways and of the country demands that are prepared to respond: the independence concession that occurs when the bets are launched .
  2. Wert die Züge der Biberbahn? The personal come from the region is run by the Ablachtalbahn, vom Partner- und Schwesterunternehmen der Regionenbahn GmbH, from Firma BLG Lokführer-Gesellschaft in Baden mbH. With the men Inhaber, Pit Bretschneider, hat Frank von Meißner the Regionenbahn GmbH green. Die BLG mit Sitz in Immendingen hat rund 30 Mitarbeitende. “The local Bezug has no longer used the Eisenbahner as an unprotected Geschäftsführung zur Ablachtalbahn. For me it is a toll of the ‘own’ railway line – the infrastructure of the Eisenbahn business line for the city of Meßkirch that reacts and operates – selber and with the ‘own’ Eisenbahn traffic unternehmen zu dürfen“, t Frank von Meißner seine Motivation .
  3. Do the rules apply to the Biberbahn or to the Pfullendorfer Räuberbahn? No. If you look at the Bürgerbahn project on the Räuberbahn, the basis of the voluntary cooperation with the country that DB-Verkehren Naverkehrszüge-gefahren is, a Stück weit weit a Vorbild for the Organization and Cooperation has been. At the Bürgerbahn, a regional railway transport system is established, which is ensured by the DB Region in the form of the Vermietung der Räuberbahn-Züge unterstützt.
  4. Would you like to view the extensions of Regionenbahn GmbH? With the response of the Eisenbahnen and the new Traffic Sangeboten, the Eisenbahn sector is being dynamically stimulated. Thanks to the expertise of both Geschäftsführer who can provide these good advice, which ensures that they are safe and sound, they can wait for the market. „Geschäftsfelder sehen wir sowohl im Bereich der Eisenbahninfrastruktur – was also Übernahme, Planung, Bau und Betrieb von Bahnstrecken oder Anschlussgleeisen are important – as auch in the Reach of the Eisenbahnverkehrs: also the Organization beziehungsweise Durchführung of Zugfahrten. “We have a whole group of people who are happy to work together with a logistics provider,” says von Meißner.
  5. More projects? “I think I can work in the railway industry for years and that many things can happen who have a network and a good network – that’s what I said – ziemlich guten Ruf. Dementia can occur as one of the last weeks of the independence of the company A question-inspiration way is one of the first new projects. That is impossible for us to see in the future”, says Frank von Meißner. More concrete is not available.
  6. Would you like to consider the idea of ​​your own Eisenbahnunternehmen? The idea, with a railway network for the DB Regio on the Ablachtalbahn, will appear in 2023, after the DB Regio vom Landesverkehrsministerium the Zugleistungen Swiss Allgäu and Lake Constance – and also with the Ablachtalbahn – bekommen hatte.
  7. And that work in Ludwigsburg? Laut Ludwigsburger Kreiszeitung soll Frank von Meißner weg unterschiedlicher Auffassungen zu personellen Themen, wie een Doppelspitze, aus seinem Hauptjob in Ludwigsburg ausgeschieden signal. It is said: “At the Stadtbahn in the Ludwigsburg District, trade is a politically, technically and financially extremely large project with investments in the developing countries of Millionen-Bereich. Over the years, the Meilenstein could be expanded. It is clear: Nur mit 100-prozentiger Rückendeckung sowohl for the Project as well as for the Geschäftsführer cann so ein Vorhaben gelingen. Daran goes to Schluss about Zweifel. The roads for my next target group are the Ludwigsburger project for the Verlassen in October. The Trennung was carried out in the best form of invernehmen; If we say that this is a good idea, then the project is a new part of the strategic fragments that have gone into the future of the company.”
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The company

Die Regionenbahn GmbH is a regional service provider in the Eisenbahn sector in Baden-Württemberg. The soul of the human being is responsible for the regional infrastructure to organize and ensure the continuity of railway infrastructure and further development, which is on the Firmen homepage. Angeboten became Eisenbahnbetriebsleitung und Interimsmanagement voor Eisenbahnverkehrs- und Eisenbahninfrastrukturunternehmen, strategic en political Beratung in Schienenverkehr sowie Bau, Reaktivierung und Betrieb von Nebenstrecken und Gleisanschlüssen.