
Theaterfest heute in St.Gallen | St. Gallen

Theaterfest heute in St.Gallen | St. Gallen

The most successful program offers a rich program for children, young and old: there are various workshops where the workshop runs are shown in front of the stage.

When we might have discovered it, everything was needed, a figure found in that place who played in his entire career, can live if he dies the soloists Libby Sokolowski, Jennifer Panara and Mack Wolz for his roles in the opera The love for the three oranges to be made up.

It may be that the chance of theater civilization is smaller than with Speed-Dating with Mitarbeitern bzw. beim öffentlichen Training der Tanzkompanie in Erfahrung Bringen.

Whoever it is, when the Tanzkompanie is in action, the Vertical Dance Performance says Mazepart of the professional party production Skywardwho is never so cheerful. Abgeseilt vom Bühnenturm machen Mitglieder der Tanzkompanie the iconic concrete facade of the Paillard-Baus zur Tanzfläche.

Im Studio is working on the Stück for one more day The Wolf is not coming for children who have had years of fun, with playwright Christian Hettkamp in Malsaal at Tomi Ungerers The three diamonds are the most (ebenfalls ab 5 Jahren), das in der aktuellen Spielzeit in Zusammenarbeit with dem Theater HORA as Familienstück was played.

And much more for young and young theatre enthusiasts, such as a Children’s Rally to the Fairytale Opera Hansel and Gretel with Start in der Tonhalle and Ziel im Malsaal. The children can be actively active, even after the motto: «Wer malt den wildest Räuber?»

Were you able to build a Stück Theater with your own house, it is worth the cost improvement with a fashion show.

Moderiert von Christian Hettkamp, ​​​​kommen über dreissig Kostüme under the Hammer, darunter Schätze with Thomas Borcherts Grafenkostüm from them Dance of the vampire.

The Rahmen musical program is based on the sound of the Sinfonieorchester Musiker Spielen, who are also Alphorn überzeugen bzw. a strict image, the folk music from all world music is less.

The Arien and Lieder program of the Soprano Kali Hardwick from the Opernensemble gives a first performance at the coming Reunion of the Bat.

Auch der household Profichor presents itself.

Derweil played the «Tanzmusik 3000» by poseunist Michael Flury, in the Vergangenen of Spielzeit am Theater St. Gallen as music director of The Black Rider there is war, a Best-of from 100 years of Jazz, HipHop and Soul history.

When you hear the traditional summer in the theater, the new season is definitive.

Conductor Sebastian Schwab reads the Sinfonieorchester auf märchenhafte Weise with the Schaffhausen-born Akkordeon-Virtuosen Goran Kovačević verschmelzen. Diana Dengler and Marcus Schäfer are working on the Freilichtkonzertabend together with the Schauspielens.

After the summer concert it’s time for the party: I started exploring the great theatres of St. Gallen on a dance floor – with the live band «Tanzmusik 3000», which broadcasts the legendary St. Gallen DJ Johnny Lopez Partystimmung.

Auch für Verpflegung ist gesorgt: Food- and Drinkestände with Pizzaoen, Burger, Bratwurst, Crêpes, Glacé and often more than on the Theatervorplatz. Kaffeeklatsch with Kuchen and Guetzli from Theatermitarbeiter is in the Theater Foyer and in the Parkarena.

The Theaterfest is free of charge.

The program can be found here.