
Encavis Action: Kurs stabil trotz Übernahmeplänen – dax_mdax – Börsennachrichten

Encavis Action: Kurs stabil trotz Übernahmeplänen – dax_mdax – Börsennachrichten

The actions of Encavis said itself with 17.01 Euro extended without change for today. I have received an annual overview of the activities in the field of solar and wind parks in Germany with a percentage of 24.18%. Current notes are only a snap under your 52-week-high of 17.22 Euro.

KKR-Übernahmepläne-prägen Kursentwicklung

The price development of the American financial sector would have had the greatest influence on the American financial investors KKR. Dieser stops the 87.41% of the Encavis-Antiile and strives for a delisting. Experts who do that, can perform the action with a squeeze of 17.50 Euro, the action lasts long – entsprechend dem bisherigen bot.

For the further development of the Kursentwicklung all non-regular supervisors will be separated. In the meantime, the European Commission gives green light for the Übernahme. Analysts have made an analysis of the transaction in four quarters of 2024.


Encavis promotion: Buy or sell?! New Encavis-Analyzeon 24. August loves Antwort:

The nose of the Encavis-Zahlen speaks a clear language: Urgent long-term request for Encavis actions. Do you want to make a purchase or another acquisition? In the free analysis of August 24th it was time.

Encavis: Buy or sell? Read more here…

Course and further information on the topic:


Current discussions on the theme:

Encavis -Near under 20 EUR … (15.08.24)
Capital phase – a “Kriseninvest” … (03.06.24)
Encavis – Offer of the … (14.03.24)

Actuelle Nachrichten zum Unternehmen:

Encavis Action: Kurs stabil trotz Ü. (15:24)
Encavis Action: Kursrückgang trotz. (23.08.24)
Encavis Action: Kursrückgang trotz. (23.08.24)
Encavis Action: Kurs stabil trotz H. (22.08.24)
Encavis Action: Kurserholung trotz. (21.08.24)

Alle Nachrichten zum Unternehmen

Current analyses of the Companies:
