
Formal 1 | Norris relatively big Quali-prince on Verstappen

Formal 1 | Norris relatively big Quali-prince on Verstappen

That’s supposed to be a winner! With a bigger lead, Lando Norris has won pole position for the Formula 1 race in Zandvoort and the Lokalmatador Max Verstappen has been further away from the next three distances. The McLaren-Pilot wars are in the Pole of the Season after Barcelona and Budapest.

Norris saw his own game with his own Leistung and a strong auto-responsibility, that the Vorsprung was such a big war at the end: “For all my letzte Runde in Q3 were weitem my best Runde”, says.

“I feel like qualifying went well, but the car war is very grim,” said the Briton. “Before qualifying today I had the feeling of the first round, immerse yourself in a good rhythm to be.”

The conditions were heavy with the strong wind, and they were still running without being comfortable, “but I had to be in a position to be able to climb and run better. Also, both were gut, das car and I think, auch I.”

The war between Verstappen and Verstappen at the end of such a big war is also part of the big fight. “Vielleicht depends on the wind and the conditions,” it said. “If a best couple is one of the best winds or a little tailwind hat, a man can be a lighter wind. If it is no more, the ground is no more.”

“But the car was good and I felt good too,” said Norris, referring to the Upgrade, on the long McLaren hat. “We’ve been welding for a while, we’ll know for sure that it works well,” he says. “And that’s so bad. A big lobe is also a team, that’s a big role played.”

Form 1: The Vergleich der Daten between Norris and Verstappen

Look how Norris and Verstappen’s runs fell, the Brit fell for everything in the first sector at the time Verstappen won. If the traction is done along the route, it can no longer be done in the intestines.

For each visit to the courses 1 and 3, look at Norris as a good Polster. It’s hard for Verstappen to get more Speed ​​​​with the Curve, but Norris can step on the gas and win a few times.

Only for a short moment is Verstappen’s Delta in Curve 1 ahead of Norris, because he sped up from the gas. Norris himself was away from the gas, continued to splash the Bremse and useless motor cars and it was more, a car that was taken care of.

Norris has reached a higher threshold, we will go through the financial crisis with a new gang and get into the Richtung Banking-Kurve as soon as possible.

In Curve 2, the McLaren has a value of 0.15 seconds, and when Verstappen shoots through the Curve itself, Norris has more grip on the hint and shoots into a higher gang during Curve 3.

While the history of the race continues with Norris more quickly than Verstappen, the four bis sechs km/h are longer and more of the Boden is lost: at the end of the sector eins since 0.249 seconds.

Verstappen takes a technical approach

In the following lawsuits Norris was more of Gas, where the Delta wieder sinks. When the gas is on the Brite, the soda has become a lot smaller. Anyway: Verstappen is in the Mitte der Kurve-schneller and goes with the Red Bull more Speed ​​​​to Scheitelpunkt-mitsunehmen.

In the Traktionfase McLaren has to use the Abtrieb to start up. Although Norris is on the way of the Curve 10 for a short moment, it can be that the direction is determined and there is a rush in the Beschleunigungsfase in Richtung Curve 11 wieder.

Ben Ende vom Zweiten Sektor hat Norris lost a Zehntel auf Verstappen in technical parts. Kurz is Verstappen at Delta, we are später in Kurve 11 Bremst, but it is the last time that the McLaren speedster comes from the Kurve.

Norris steps out of turn 12 straight on the gas and speeds up the first of the next straights. In turn 13 Verstappen was a sucker and can’t lose his momentum.

There is a Zehntel hinter signal beste Sektorzeit, soft drink Norris am Ende with 0.356 Sekunden Vorsprung über den Zielstrich fährt. If Verstappen has set the best time, he will be less than 0.25 seconds behind the McLaren.

Norris: Hatte nichts in der Hinterhand

“Heute hatte Ich das Gefühl, dass ich den Job gemacht habe, dan ich im Qualifying machen mustste”, said Norris after the Session. “A welcome Grund auch immer, sie hatten ein bisschen mehr mit ihrem Auto zu kampfen.”

However, if it is not possible to have such a good quality of food in the Hinterhand, there is no need for it: “No, I do not have more in the Hinterhand. and you made a run in qualifying, the best run you can do, that you can,” said Norris.

“He is a more agile Tag and he has not got into his best running mode. If he does not know more, he has stayed in the hindquarters.”