
“Bauer seekt Frau” star Anna Heiser criticizes influencer with bikini photo

“Bauer seekt Frau” star Anna Heiser criticizes influencer with bikini photo

“Bauer sucht Frau” star Anna Heiser

Watch “Perfect Bikini Body” – And Lots Of Influencer Criticism

Anna Heiser shows her "perfect bikini body". (Photomontage)

Anna Heiser said about a “perfect bikini body”. (Photo montage) Instagram/annaheiser

“Bauer seekt Frau” star Anna Heiser said on Instagram with “perfect bikini body”. I think it’s possible the influencer will get some criticism.

With the title of the RTL broadcast “Bauer sucht Frau” in the year 2017, Anna Heiser (34) was big Bekanntheit. Seitdem is more than 233,000 followers on Instagram are regularly one of the best people. You can mumble it about the taboo themes that your ID after the birth of your children have. In a new video that now stands for more reality on Instagram and much more, it was with my “perfect bikini body” on his hat.

“Instagram vs. Reality”: Anna Heiser posts Bikini-Bild

“Do you have a perfect bikini body in 3 sections? No problem!”, with those other approaches to trauma treatment that Anna Heiser starts in a new video. You see the 34-year-old age in a blue bikini in front of a larger mirror. Make sure everything is normal, but then Heiser a few Handgriffe. If you see the bikini bottom that is in it, the store is light and swings so a vermeintlich perfect body. “Instagram vs. Reality – last euch nicht täuschen”, warn his fans.

“You have a great figure”

Among the “Bauer sucht Frau” fans, the Ehefrau from Landwirt Gerald Heiser (39) jedenfalls gut an. She feels the Wahl-Namibierin Anna for her natural character. “Immer wieder krass, was Posingkracht”, says a Followerin and lobs: “Who is, that’s what you’re looking for and that your reality will be taken care of”. Other fans join in. “So toll aus” or “You have a tolle Figur. It is more beautiful, naturally bleiben”, find other followers in the comments.

“My Nebennieren does not function properly”

So it happened that Anna Heiser had a secure intestinal tract at one point. First before we had a diagnosis, there was an unreliable diagnosis at 34 years. “My function is not correct” says my fans on Instagram with. It is possible that a blutuntersuchung is celebrated. Make sure that Heiser can deal with healthy problems longer.

If you have another cortisol deficiency, you may be struggling with Sleep problems. The standard Erschöpfung apart from his depressive illness-immune disease. “Ich muss mein Leben verkrempeln”, so the zweifache Mutter. When a drug treatment with Krankheit no longer works.

"Moments of love": You are happy with your family

Anna Heiser said Familien-Moment