
It is made smaller for the USA ()

It is made smaller for the USA ()

Dear reader,

Gemessen at the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) are the US economy in two quarters of a year with a percentage of 2.6%. The largest part of the supply will be the gigantic government guarantee of the Biden government – of course at the pump. Everything in the past 12 months would have yielded the US government debt a value of 3.13 billion (!) dollars.

Short-term this debt orgy has at the beginning of a revision. Longer lasting this policy has a high price. There is a high national debt of the Wirtschaft and of the small Wachstum. If you only provide for a recession on this Weise, but not prevent it, and if you have such a violent fallout, you will continue longer with a higher state guarantee.

Weitere Rezessionssignale vom Arbeitsmarkt

Bewährte Frühindikatoren wie die Zinstrukturkurve or der Leading Economische Index von de Wirtschaftsforschungsinstituts Conference Board geht sich er clear Rezessions-signals. Nowadays, the US economy is in the decline of Quartals and wars, not particularly grim, but always.

If it takes longer for you to make the decision, the treatment starts right bare. If you have become aware of the knowledge based on the Arbeitsmarktdata, there is talk that the sale can now no longer take until one of the decisions is there. Details on how you can deal with my company briefs Krisensicher Investieren.

Recessions are a fact with Aktienbeissen

Not every US stock market bearish went with a recession. If all decisions in the US are adopted by stock markets, the European companies will go wrong. And once the decisions are made, they have fallen heavily. You can also earn your money by using the active depot with your risk efforts. It is so worth gold that the fundamental protection of the American stock market is extremely high. Nevertheless, it is not a big competitor if the S&P 500 is in the second half of the price or if it gets more shares. You should at least not categorically exclude that in your plans.

Whoever has my Börsenbriefes Krisensicher Investieren in the Monatsausgabe August 2024, will be more action bears, in the meantime the gold price and with the Kurse gooder Minenaktien have risen. There are analyses and forecast models available that can be carried out in a certain phase.

Precious Metals Warehouse can no longer be used

With gold and extended coins you can also make money in Recession Times and Downtrends Money. Our best forecast models are for the recession ending, which is giving gold, silver and mining a strong extended price signal.

The following chart said that the gold price has won. If you see that you are in a clear trend trend. The young consolidation formation (blue line) has an indication of the gaps and new highs. If you see one of the following trend trends, there is no question of an overshoot of time. It speaks for a fortification of the bull.

Goldpreis pro Unze in $, 2022 to 2024

It is made smaller for the USA ()

The Goldpreis has created a record and set an optical trend.


The 10 best gold mine securities and our favorites are among the silver mines analyzed in our short-term critical investment theme issue “Gold, Silver and Copper – The best securities for the advancement of the precious metals boom” and recommend their purchase.

There are tough business seasons. Inform about an unanswered question and a high level with our business letter Krisensicher Investeren – critical, unanswered and error-free. Free for 30 days.

I wish I had a beautiful living experience.


Claus Vogt, Chief Editor of Krisensicher Investieren

PS: Golden hat over the years and the beauty of the years-end is better cut than the DAX.

PPS: Wollen Woche for Woche during these Christmas bowls, then you will be happy with the costs Claus Vogt Marktcommentar here ganz einfach mit Ihrer E-Mail an.

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Claus Vogt, a financial market expert, is, together with Roland Leuschel, a chef who has written critical, unannounced and thorough Krisensicher Investieren notes.

2004 wrote the book “Das Greenspan Dossier” together with Roland Leuschel and 2009 “Die Inflationsfalle”. 2018 maybe “Bitcoin & Co. Was “Sie über Geld, Gold und Kryptowährungen erhalten” en 2019 ihr hochaktuelles new Buch: “Die Wohlstandsvernichter – Wie Sie trotz Nullzins, Geldentwertung und Staatspleiten Ihr Vermögen erhalten”. There is talk of a bookstore or on More zu Claus Vogt will find this here.

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