
Trainingsschreck für Alcaraz -Start nicht in Gefahr

Trainingsschreck für Alcaraz -Start nicht in Gefahr

Title contender Carlos Alcaraz had a moment of shock before the start of the US Open when a warning was given. The 21 years that another Spaniard spent in training on Saturday afternoon (local time) with his football for a while.

“It was a good experience. “I have never been happy, and I will be happy again,” Alcaraz reported as a few Stunden später. There are more events, we have only just trained, but it is not even a competition during the Grand Slam Turner in New York. There will be a sunntag with a complete training with 100 percent absolving.

The world ranking has won the French Open and Wimbledon in the past year. There will be a lot to see at the Olympics in the final of a gold victory over the Serb Novak Djokovic. During the US Open match of 2022 in the first Runde am Dienstagabend (Ortszeit) on the Australian Li Tu.

Zverev with new First Trondengengner

Tennis professional Alexander Zverev started at Montag with a German match against Maximilian Marterer in the US Open. Der Finne Emil Ruusuvuori, Zverevs ursprünglicher Erstrundengegner, zog am Samstag een Erkrankung zurück, das teilten die Veranstalter mit. Martyr runs out like a Lucky Loser in Hauptfeld, in the qualification of the Nürnberg the title of four Major-Turnier des Jahres has not yet been achieved.

The game starts with the Turnier start at 11 a.m. in the Vormittag, in Deutschland it is then 5 p.m. Marterer goes to the main field of the US Open, bislang does not cross the first runde hinaus in Flushing Meadows. Auch Finanziell sich der Auftritt im Hauptfeld für Marterer auf jeden Fall. Selbst at an outstanding cashier is 100,000 dollars, approximately 89,000 euros.

Zverev, finalist of 2020, can look back on the great years as a world ranking a few years later on the Turnierweg. In the second round of the battle with the Duell sword Alexandre Müller (France) and Adam Walton (Australia). In the written run, Francisco Cerundolo (Argentina/No. 29) can play a match with a set player. Zverev starts in New York his next run on the first Grand Slam-Sieg-winning career.