
Gesuchter Tatverdächtiger nach Angriff gefasst in Solingen

Gesuchter Tatverdächtiger nach Angriff gefasst in Solingen

After the Messerangriff in Solingen the Polizei has given a Tatverdächtige festivities. The Minister of the Interior Herbert Reul (CDU) from North Rhine-Westphalia spoke in the ARD “Tagesthemen” round. There is talk of a “sad story”, the man who used the tag. There were heard now. One of the best land ministries that is managed by Mann is the best. Darüber has a message about “Spiegel” and “Bild” displayed.

If at one of the moments when you take a flight you notice that this annoyance of new information is obtained, it can be displayed. “After the war was no longer there, it was a good thing. We have followed a hot spur all day long.” These will then be followed by subsequent nightfall. “If we have followed a hot spur all day long in reality, it is short-term with us in mind.” If I act it is so that you suspect someone, “we are in the highest degree”.

Am Freitagbend hatte in Mann auf a Jubiläumsfest zum 650. Gründungstag der Stadt Solingen – the “Festival of Vielfalt” – open to the public at the end of the day. The end of the story is in the tumult and panic. Two Manner im Alter von 67 und 56 Jahren was eine 56 Jahre other Frau starben. Eight people were lost, four died. The terror military Islamist State (IS) has labeled the Islamic State’s best protection tattoo for an Islamic tattoo as a lie.

Reul: Haben auch Beweisstücke financed

“I am in a moment of peace and joy,” said Reul after the Festnahme des Geuchten. “If I can say now, it is more of a vermutung. We don’t have any problems with this person, without having to worry about their health.”

Laut “Spiegel”-Angaben acts as a 26-year-old Syrian. There came at the end of December 2022 in Germany and a stellte antrag at Asyl. The security war is not considered Islamist extremist after “Spiegel” information. This information is verified by the Deutschen Presse-Agentur.

More Islamic State: “Rache für Muslime in Palästina”

The Islamic State is in possession of a tool of its propaganda channel, through which IS soldiers have been and carried out the attack on “Rache für Muslime in Palestine and otherwise”. The Angriff has won a “Group of Christians”.

Also the Düsseldorf police are looking for their own insight into the IS knowledge. Now must be tested, because this writing is real, said a police spokesman. If there are business trips, then the IS is in the service after a Tat for his reputation, but this is taxable for a Zusammenarbeit with the Tater gab.

It must be clear that IS with the ‘Rache für Muslime in Palästina’ is on the war in the Gaza Strip in the Swiss Israel and the Palestinian terrorist organization Hamas. Neither IS nor the Terrornetzwerk Al-Qaeda has entered into the fight with the Islamist Hamas. The fight against terrorism and radicalization in the Islamic world will lead the Security Service through the monthly war in Gaza. Germany is not in the United States one of the most important Israeli companies and one of the most important Waffenliefers.

Staatsanwaltschaft: Terrorist motivated Tat nicht ausgeschlossen

Markus Caspers on Saturday afternoon at a press conference in Wuppertal said about the background of the Tat in Solingen: “A motivation could not know what was happening, but it was not possible to leave the general conditions, the fear of a terrorist motivation to exclude this could not be ruled out.”

Sollten ich de Hinweise auf een terrorist Straftat verdichten, komme een Übernahme des Falles by de Generalbundesanwalt in Betracht. There are paths through the thoughts of the Mordes in three cases and the reconciliation of Mordes in Tateinheit with gefährlicher Körperverletzung in another eight cases, as Caspers says.

Vorwürfe gegen festgenommenen 15-Jährigen

Experiences of where 15 years of alternating youth festivities become. If you want to avoid ending up near the Straftaten in Raum. “Nach vorliegenden Zeugenaussagen soll eine bislang unbekannte Person kurz for dem Angriff with dem Jugendlichen über Absichten haben, die zur Tatausführung pass würden,” said Caspers.

Scholz: “With the hearts of the geese” vorgehen

Germany solved the great problem in Solingen. Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz spoke of a “viable breach”. “There was therefore no question of a company dealing with sales and it would no longer work. If the heart of the institutions here continues, says the SPD politician about a terminology in the Brandenburg Stahnsdorf.

Federal Minister of Justice Marco Buschmann knows how to handle the Waffenrecht für Messer an. “We are now in the midst of the Federal Government’s decision-making process, who will continue to embrace the Art of the Messer-Kriminalität,” said the FDP politician of “Bild am Sonntag”. Bislang hat de FDP de Vorschläge von Innenministerin Nancy Faeser (SPD) voor schärferen Verboten abgelehnt.

The SPD has published a German version of the Gesetze. In the event that the Messer now has only one complaint about the Zentimetern, the Zentimetern will not last any longer. For gefährliche Springmesser it is a general use ban.