
More transportation for the Eastern District

More transportation for the Eastern District

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More transportation for the Eastern District
Ways of the medical care of the Mathilden hospitals will die for the notfallrettung before they kapazitäten in the östlichen Wetterau aufgestockt. So in Ortenberg there is a similar Rettungswagen paint job. © PRW

The Kapazitäten for the Notfallrettung were erhöht on October 1. Damit responds to the community as a support service for the Teilbetriebsschließung des Mathilden hospitals in Büdingen.

Legal travel (prw). Der Kreisausschuss hat während seiner jüngsten Sitzung een Fortschreibung des Rettungsdienst-Bereichsplans beschlosen. Damit responds der Wetteraukreis as Träger des Rettungsdiensten on the Teilbetriebsschließung of the Mathilden hospitals in Büdingen. From October 1, the minutes will disappear in most Wetterau travel periods, a longer term of the next clinic for compensation. The story of the Wetteraukreis am Freitag met.

Note: The flashes and flashes in the rescue squads in Altenstadt and Büdingen have been reported, as well as being reported in the rescue squad in Ortenberg.

Rettungswagen in der Wetterau: Two vehicles around

When the sister of the family goes to the Emergency Area in search of the Kreises, which are the relocation of two vehicles in July, there is only one for sick transports.

It is possible that there is a better equipment and that it is a higher emergency sick transport vehicle. This Stehen nu in Altenstadt and Bad Nauheim ready. In Büdingen ​​stand ready a similar vehicle. It is not possible to use means of transport that need urgent notifications.

Rettungswagen in der Wetterau: Longer journey according to the information of the »Mathildchens«

Bereits unmittelbar nach Bekanntwerden der Schließungspläne durch de Betreibergruppe Bergman Clinics Ende April hatte der Wetteraukreis an external Gutachter damit beauftragt, Vorschläge zur Anpassung der rettungsdienstlichen Structures zu erarbeiten. The Ergebnisse sees with the Bereichsbeirat Rettungsdienst, also the Hilfsorganisationen and the Krankenkassen as Kostenträgern, being prepared, so quickly that all the necessary decisions for a Fortschreibung des Rettungsdienstbereichsplans could be prepared, heißt in Friedberg.

The actual range plan is in sight, in the Mathilden Hospital there is no note, no intensive care unit is such a small station for inner meditation and surgical interventions that take longer for the treatment. During the fall, the Range of the Rettungsdienst will go to the next Clinics on July 1. It is a longer life and a longer life of time. Rettungsmittel, also der Fahrzeuge and des Personals.

Rettungswagen in der Wetterau: Weckler spricht von »Herkulesaufgabe«

For the Ermittlung des Bedarfs and Fahrzeugen and Personal, the Kreis is the real Einsatzzahlen der by the Teilschließung in Büdingen primarily affected Rettungswachen in Altenstadt, Büdingen, Gedern, Kefenrod, Nidda and Ortenberg » in a complex mathematical analysis and with Zeitaufschlägen für längere Transportwege in Weiter entfernte Kliniken simuliert« be. This risk and frequency suspension is of great importance, the history of fahrzeugen and personal for the note become more valuable.

Landrat Jan Weckler (CDU) said: “The rescue service is a composite complex, not the ways of the federal special forces. There is a war going on, so there is a good chance that you will react. I am grateful that I am all involved in bringing together and especially the Hilfs organization, that will be a set foregoing refinement with extreme short lead time to the end bring a konnten. “

Rettungswagen in der Wetterau: Weiteres Gutachten im nächsten Jahr

The man who looks up the personal data has been useful during the previous period, when he went to the rettungsmittel on October 1. “The Kreis has been expanded in the state of Saxony and has developed a taxable tax service, because the coming weeks will continue, so that no rettungsdienstlichen for the first war will be carried out over the years,” Weckler said.

The Notfallversorgung in the Wetteraukreis is still gewährleistet. Dennoch became a man who practiced and evaluated Entwicklung even more intensively. »Dafür is prepared for more peace of mind for the coming years,« said the Landrat.

Info: Rating

The structure of the tax authorities in the Wetteraureis is a Kreisverwaltung after the rescue service plan of the Landes Hessen, in which the criticism is planted and the conversion of the Bereich plans is optimized. If the soil-bound rescue services call the Wetteraukreis a bedarfsgerechte rescue resource maintenance plan gewährleisten. The start of the deliberation in the summer of 2023 is a fact in the Fortschreibung des rescue resource maintenance plans on January 1, 2024. A single deliberation is after the withdrawal of the landes the most fun for the whole year.