
Voting in the East is separated from minority politics

Voting in the East is separated from minority politics

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Voting in the East is separated from minority politics
After Ansicht von Lars Harms, the Wahlen in Osten are separated for the Minderheitenpolitik in Germany. (Archive image) © Carsten Rehder/dpa

In Brandenburg, Saxony and Thuringia there are wags in September. Everywhere the AfD is at war with the day. SSW chief Harms ensures the democratic parties on his sister labors.

Kiel – The former Wahlen in the East separated after the Ansicht from the Fraktionsvorsitzenden des Südschleswigschen Wählerverbandes (SSW) for the Minderheitenpolitik in Germany. “If German national strength die Wahlen, if Faschists die Wahlen gewinnen, if Menschenfeinde die Wahlen gewinnen, then they will become less strong,” said Lars Harms of the Deutschen Presse-Agentur. It is good for the Sorbs, Frisians, Danes or for the Sinti and Roma, who all live in Germany.

These people must be shot. “Therefore we think that we are not going to be able to move on from our country, and our democratic parties will remain unaffected,” the SSW chief said. Please note that the democratic parties do not use other types of dividend – not even the Wahl.

“It is clear that the Democrats live together, and there are no radical Kräfte,” Harms said. ‘And damn it, I am no longer the AfD, but the Bundnis Sahra Wagenknecht. That is not all because of the festivities of the free-democratic Grundordnung.”

Selection in the East

On September 1, Thuringia and Saxony will see the new Landtage, three weeks later than Brandenburg. It is a part of the Bundesländer that makes it so difficult to become a homeowner in North Rhine-Westphalia. In all countries the AfD is Number One in Umfragen: in Saxony with a 30 Prozent, in Thuringia with a 28 Prozent and in Brandenburg with a 25 Prozent. Das BSW is aimed at the three Ländern Werte von 15 to 20 Prozent. dpa