
Full Schools – Mehr Schüler in the new Schuljahr – Bildung

Full Schools – Mehr Schüler in the new Schuljahr – Bildung

Berlin (dpa/bb) – Berlin schools show a detailed increase in student debt in the new school year. After the data of the Bildungsverwaltung are learned and all joint debts are completed after the end of the summer, this costs 404,000 Schüler, and it costs 9,000 more hours if I school year passes. Damit was initially 25 years ago about the Marke von 400,000 and the debts and free debts of the Hauptstadt knackt. The robbed schools print more than 78,000 euros to debt bank after 77,900 for years ago.

“That’s it, our classes are full,” said Bildungssenatorin Katharina Günther-Wünsch (CDU) of Deutschen Presse-Agentur. “That is what happened, that Berlin is a waiting city. And if that is the case, Berlin has become a hotspot for Zuwanderung.” Children’s and youth activities were no longer focused in the Willkommen classes and in the regular classes, there were already more than 14,000.

Happiness among teachers

In the creditworthiness – the amounts are at 32,000 Vollzeitstellen – you can start the years before the new debts begin on September 2. Günther-Wünsch saw that he donated on more than 690 stel. The amount was not changed in the coming weeks, the Einstellungsverfahren still dear.

“I think I have committed 1,500 offenses years ago, it is a Zahl, which is as few years ago as possible, and who first of some big things have won,” says the senator. If you are longer concerned with setting up a loan or the debts, you can set up in Stellen for pedagogical assistance or other professions to walk.

Better Perspective for Ein-Fach-Lehrer planted (Photo: Marijan Murat/dpa)

Problem with the installation: “We are always in a position to be a leader who is in a situation where our work obligations are not affected, but we are in the summer holidays in our own classrooms, but neither was others experienced,” so Günther-Wünsch. If it is not clear, Stellen am Ende may be insulted. Wirklich taxable Zahlen first by the large debt claims after the beginning of the debts and then after a statistical experience in November before.

Quer and Seiteneinsteiger overview bar

Below the new Lehrkräften – in the past years there were jewels more than 3000 – since there were new Quer- and Seiteneinsteiger. In particular, the Seiteneinsteiger has no educational background in the two schools of the Berliner Schule, otherwise a qualification. “It is possible that the Bundesweiten Lehrkräftemangels dabei, that is not one of the grundständig qualified lehrkräfte-institutes, under the Quer- und Seiteneinsteiger,” says Günther-Wünsch. You will be happy to have an overview of the new settings at 50 meters away – tending to increase.

These people with their knowledge can be a gain for debts. “We should not forget that. We will never have had a question and page-instruction publication again in the coming years.” “It is a fact that the study is a fruitful sin. If I do that, it will be nice in the next eight years to have a number of thoroughly qualified Pädagogen with two fanciers.”

Sogenannte Einfachlehrer sollen dauerhaft bleiben

A new example of the senator is that there is a long-term perspective and debts have arisen. If you have a degree in geography or a degree in mathematics, it is also true that a debt study is often a problem with investigating and solving debts. There is a regular report of a referendum with a start, but it is possible that there are a few sweat or three debt studies.

“Wir wollen die Ein-Fach-Lehrer, die yes schon im System sind, halt, ihnen een Perspective geben and verlässlich and the Schule bin“, erläuterte Günther-Wünsch. “The situation of the conversations with the scientific knowledge and the Universities is so, that I am fully aware of it, that we will be able to cope with summer 2025, that our first learning and the Universities can be auspicious.” Dabei Handelt is not in itself a complete study, apart from that. a pädagogische Weiterbildung und Qualifizierung.

Genügend Lehrkräfte auch für Brennpunktschulen als Ziel

Angehen will die as a senator in the limbo of the Verteilung. „Das Lehrkräftedefzitt is not much better than the city. If you have debt, it is best to deal with other debts,” you say.

“There is no question of the regional debt burden of the debtor, including the regular hourly plan, being abolished.” Otherwise, a teaching staff will begin to charge debtors according to the situation.

“Soul is the end of the years and those years in which all the activities from practice have been carried out, so that the debtor can receive a more soulful tax,” said Günther-Wünsch.

For the sake of clarity: Schools and social resource points have it harder than other schools, to find useful learning resources. It may be that there is a problem with solving problems or problems with solving problems.

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