
Page 2: Knives who is the IFA nor a Zukunft?

Page 2: Knives who is the IFA nor a Zukunft?

We have spoken to the Publikumsmesse. Now that a wide variety of major changes in hybrid formats have been found, online communities have been connected. Was the power the IFA in this direction?


It is a good Frage. If the war is clear, if the IFA Management GmbH is green, war is one of the strategic aspects, how does the IFA propose to be digital and that will happen in other forms in the coming years.

If I find out that it is a sin, there is nothing wrong. Be that as it may, if I look at CES, while the pandemic is going along with Microsoft, there is a digital trade show for machines. If there is a great war, then there is a legend for the Zukunft. If you know natural details, it is not that you can never do with Microsoft purchases again.

If it is good, the form in this form is not relevant. Of course the web output is important, it is clear, it is a complete overview. If you want to do a digital treatise with others a year later, you can propose.

Playing the Tech-Messen in Post-Corona- and in the digital Zeitalter for the Industry, anyway, so a big Rolle wie früher?

Also when we speak with the knowledge, with the marketing activities, then you can clearly see that the self-esteem in all marketing budgets is a role play. The question, which is for the Company-poses, is, is not where the Knife world wide brauchen.

The big one – if you’re going to do the job – if you have a job, it’s possible to go to work, then you can make the effort to concentrate. The milder messages are going to be more likely, but the return of investment in investment in media and consumer contact is going to be more likely.

If a few knives are practiced here, the market situation of the Mark is connected, if it is no longer open, the Knife view will be given whether the man is still at his own events.

If the Währung is active, there is interaction: Who often has a consumer with the interacting Marke. A physical examination is not normal. Seen from the Dealers and Media they can communicate with consumers for place. If you have a good basis with the IFA, you can use woolen wool.

Corona war of the great reset for the gesamte veranstaltungsbranche. When you see that it is so that so much is happening. Do you want to stop with a next step?

If it is good, this is a sustainable solution. Why? If you look at the size of SXSW, EuroCucina, OMR or Gamescom in Trend lie and partly ausgebucht are. It could be so. Knives, which have started, a cultural event, an Ereignis daraus machen, will be bought, the young generation will be won over like this.

Go with the summer to an entertainment platform that is probably with Künstlern. If there is no production standard, Tag Konzerte can not find statistics. The sucking is relative.

Bryan Adams is coming.

Genau, Bryan Adams gets through the year and kicks off the IFA. A Freitag with the Label 6 p.m. fell the German Künstler, voor allem aus dem Bereich Deutschrap, und Bord haben, die neuer Zielgruppe ansprechen. The IFA did not fall for the Schirm. When Samstag talks to Wieder Elektro-Publikum, Faceless is auch da.

And last but not least, I think the trend is to die, so that a concept can evolve further.

If you see that the new Marken come from China, this is an uninterrupted selection of electricity or home appliances. Now the theme of China is politically geared up a bit. Who keeps the IFA busy with the tension field with Chinese economies and possible consequences of politics?

It is a redeveloped theme, but we cannot get into Clarion group. If it is a good separation or sanction that takes place in Russia, then it will be a natural thing. We have no Russian Aussteller.

Was China busy: If you know, China is the largest export country for Germany. For a gift it is one of the smaller lines or the ground, that an embedded position is an eizunehmen. On the contrary, China is a heavier growth from Asia for innovation. Wer all Chinese firms are a Kamm, macht a Riesenfehler.

Schauen will the Drones for the consumer area one, I again explicitly not of war material. It is a war with the Chinese Firm DJI, which the market has set as the first and quality benchmark. And let yourself be inspired by other firms, more in the direction of the development. Companies, who do not copy.

At companies like Haier, Hisense or TP Vision, the man looks like the Chinese company has a hat. The quality standards have become higher and higher, the products are increasingly in German. If the manufacturer has a suitable product, a man can get a high rating.

Then is a natural part of the other part, which the wise says are relatively unacceptable firms or offer fewer products. The help of the IFA is safe. After Strich had received an unheimliche power from China, the IFA was heard.

One of the traditions of the IFA war was created by the Chancellor or the Chancellor in the new era. Olaf Scholz comes to whoever. Was there talk of a part of the Bundesregierung at a technical fair during the IFA and the Messegeschäft-insgesamt?

Interesting question. I learned that the Bundeskanzler and the Kanzler were no more than that for a long time. Therefore, more natural than ever, the year of the Bundeskanzler during the 100-Year-Gala, also our Geburtstagsfeier, eröffnen wird, and also on the first day a round of running is made. This is the duration of the fire and the processing.

Once you know – and if it is white, it is no longer possible to read other messages – it is a very important, international matter. Here and there the arbitration visa is not so simple, as all Ausstellers want, a legal visa for their Mitarbeiter-bekommen. While it is so that it is a question of an arbitration visa, this is an important factor in the present time – we will have a bigger problem in asking things. It is a fact that Leute has found a Wirtschaft here, so that you can leave the Land and the Messe.

You discovered Clarion. It is a new partner in the team, an international translator. Was it possible to bring something and how good was it?

Before I know that there is a war here, the war is of course big, or do you know him, with his own property. It is good that one of the things we can do in the fight against the GFU war is. And if I get a natural picture of the power, no matter how good the Clarion is, no matter how detailed it is in the Tagesgeschäft, can not make more profit. Clarion hat über 300 Knives and those are individual, we will have an unhealthy lifestyle in the states, we will have other cultures and so on.

Man must imagine himself who a building box: We separate, although building blocks ​​from the Clarion universe uses, a house of buildings and which in boxes weld. If it is a giant help, if a man in the enterprise has a higher event experience, then it is a beautiful blood, if it is not so nice.

Was it a thing of the past, it is one of the highlights, which is a traitor, which will continue in the fall at the IFA 2024?

First, we started launching the first Tag products, which had a great experience – and which had never been so easy. Second, we are moving into the Home Appliance Area, which can flood the market. The Beauty Tech technology area was expanded, also into the Digital Health area.

Herr Lindner, thank you for the conversation.

Das Interview führt Anfang August in Berlin.
