
Ausländer unverzichtbare Stütze ostdeutscher Wirtschaft

Ausländer unverzichtbare Stütze ostdeutscher Wirtschaft

COLOGNE (dpa-AFX) – Foreign workers are a study following an invisible pillar of the economy in East Germany. “In 2023, the first German federal states will be carrying out work with a value of 403,000 people who do not have a German passport, but 173,000 more hours than a year,” he said in the substructure of the German institutions of the German Economy (IW). “Sie allein erwirtschafteten 24,6 Billiarden Euro – das entspricht 5,8 Prozent der Ostdeutschen Bruttowertschöpfung. The Fazit der Studie: “Ausländische Beschäftigte since unverzichtbar für den Osten: Zwischen 2018 und 2023 schrumpfte die Zahl der German Beschäft igten um 1 16,000.”

Ostdeutschland has a point in the Gastfreundschaft not the best Ruf, says IW for Landtagswahlen in three Ostdeutschen Bundesländern fest. “The AfD wants migrants to be completely free from harm in their own environment – to welcome migrants who will be welcomed. They will be supported in the East German economy,” the Institute said. There are no new foreign countries where the economics of the world are changing, and they are still there. “Davon makes profit for all of Saxony, an Australian economy of 7.9 billion euros is produced here. Brandenburg becomes a German smaller company of 6.8 billion euros and Thuringia takes over less than 3.9 billion euros.”

Over the years, IW can be used for all people from Poland and the Czech Republic who are new to Eastern Europe, also in Romania and Ukraine. You can call on everything in the construction sector, on the insurer and the highest business firms in Germany. “Externally responsible companies support the East German economy,” says Study engineer Wido Geis-Thöne. “Because that’s how it is, the region remains world-wide – because only then will the East remain economically successful.”/kf/DP/he