
Nicolai Riechers won the Müritzer Städte-Lauf 2024

Nicolai Riechers won the Müritzer Städte-Lauf 2024

The Stadt-Lauf zwischen Röbel and Waren hat Nicolai Riechers won with a Zeit von 1:41:19 Stunden.

Zweiter wurde Olaf Henkel van SV Turbine Neubrandenburg in een Zeit von 2:02:56 Stunden.

The written Platz is the best woman in the Teilnehmerfeld, while Rostockerin Gundula Guse overwhelms at 2:37:44 in Ziel in the Warener Volksbad.

Strecke wurde im Röbeler Bereich changest and ist now longer

“I was the first Mal hier beim Städte-Lauf dabei. Wir haben here gerade Urlaub gemacht and so I ich me gleich angemeldet”, said the Sieger Nicolai Riechers, a little and of the Long des Laufes zweifelte. “My Zähler was also over 27 kilometers. It may be that I have lost my bearings, because I have not been able to do that stretch, because I have lost my orientation. After all, I have lost my bearings,” said Nicolai Riechers.

Die Strecke verlief in diesem Jahr else. While the Strecke is being developed by the Verlegung vom Warener Stadthafen zum Volksbad, war, man on the Abkürzung in Röbel verzicht and the Läufer on the Müritz-Promenade am Wasser entlang geschickt. So then 26.1 kilometers will clear the signal.

In the meantime, 33 Sportler and Start had gone.

During the war of Ingo Warnke, the Vorsitzende des ESV Were as Ausrichter, with the Teilnehmerzahl zufrieden. “I don’t want the Lauf to love boats yet and those years that Anmeldung schleppend. I can’t wait to see the Lauf sogar auszubauen and then here in Volksbad auch Läufe für small Sportler anzubiten,” said Ingo Warnke.

Team Insel Laufer wins the Müritz-Staffellauf mortality

For the Müritz-Staffellauf it is not a big day today. “That’s the big picture. If we don’t have the Müritz-Staffellauf in the ALD-Lauf Run for Charity, then we won’t be able to find out. Insofern must man first once, who is in the night next year” , meinte Ingo Warnke fellsagend.

The first ALD-Staffel Team VPower came clean at 5:38:10, astonished in the soul in the Warener Volksbad and war was displaced as the first Team of Müritz-Staffellauf.

The first ALD-Staffel Team VPower came clean at 5:38:10, astonished in the soul in the Warener Volksbad and war was displaced as the first Team of Müritz-Staffellauf. (Photo: Jens-Uwe Wegner)

Now that the Müritz-Staffellauf has a premiere with 14 teams. There were more ALD Run for Charity Schneller teams than the Müritz-Staffeln.

When Müritz-Staffella won the battle with Team Insel Laufer in 6:09:04, it was the fastest time for Team Schweriner Seentrail&Friends to beat the best Frauenstaffel BMW Wigger Road Runners in 6:21:57.

The Städte-Lauf zwischen Röbel und Waren hat Nicolai Riechers won with a Zeit von 1:41:19 Stunden

The Städte-Lauf zwischen Röbel und Waren hat Nicolai Riechers won with a Zeit von 1:41:19 Stunden (Photo: Jens-Uwe Wegner)

The first ALD-Staffel came after 5:38:10 hours in the soul at the Warener Volksbad. There is war with Team VPower. On the second place the crew with the name “Emil runs free” occupied in 5:54:09 hours. The third place went to Team IRS Group in 6:01:52 hours.

At the ALD Run for Charity 69 teams were at the start. Allerdings are not on the times in the foreground, but the teams by the Teilnahme Spendengelder for a intestinal benefit are loved.