
Frankfurt: Kulissen aus der Autowerkstatt

Frankfurt: Kulissen aus der Autowerkstatt

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Frankfurt: Kulissen aus der Autowerkstatt
Peter Vornhagen has commanded the English Theater, and there is a new technical leader. © Rolf Oeser

In an industrial area in the Kruppstraße, prepare the English Theater grade for the new piece “The Wasp” for – denn kurz voor der Premiere muss alles ohne Verzögerung clapping

Before we ask any more questions, let us see in the car work statistics in Kruppstraße the Kulissen for new theater productions, here the costs and requirements are lower. The Frankfurter Komödie goes over the Räume during Anfang 2023 with the English Theatre (ETF), dessen Stammsitz in Gallileo-Turm is being renovated. Grade ist die sommerliche Theaterpause, here will be gezimmert, Ferien is her or her. The premiere of the next episodes, of the thriller ‘The Wasp’, the ways of the current situation of the ETF on September 6 diesmal in the Frankfurter Volksbühne and not in your own country as Notunterkunft thoughts Fritz-Rémond-Theater in the zoo, rückt even more.

The probe in London took a long time and Peter Vornhagen, the ETF’s new technical director, phoned, skyped, whatsapped and emailed x-mal with the colleg:innen in the UK, who did not arrive for the next probe in Frankfurt until late August. English is the common language, “but in the workshop we also spoke German, wenn es all verstanden”, says Vornhagen.

Viewing the time information still doesn’t work. “We can only begin with the production in the Volksbühne,” it says. „Wir“, that behind the Kulissen in Frankfurt insgesamt 14 Leute, dare a Schreiner and aine Schreinerin, Kostümbildnerinnen and Techniker für Ton and Beleuchtung, the party at the ETF workers.

If you want you are so welded, it is a long commotion that can be carried out. There is no talk of an international production like this. It is berust. Vornhagen is a self-employed, the 31-year-old native of Frankfurt has made a Lehre as a Veranstaltungstechniker at the English Theatre, where then a few years long in the House is maintained, before there is a company in the Vertrieb exchanged. The product is an excellent automation technology, there is.

The job was seen as lucrativ, “man deserves significantly better”, it seems to laugh. The weeks are free and of course the typical Bürozeiten work. If someone has a hereditary degree and wants another year, so if you are Vornhagen, his self-esteem is not of the Scheldt. The theater and installation industry poses long problems, nor personal discoveries. The working times are considered a main ground. Why come back then again?

Irgendwie fehlte etwas. „I am glad, this is the theater experience“, I say in my understanding. The Vertriebsgeschäft is “a Haifischbecken”, different from the ETF. Making a lot of money is not everything. “If there is a night in my life, my power is not there, but it is hard to work,” he said. “A house can dominate the morning light, where my wife, the banker, my rank nach Hause comes, when I am home.”

A thriller by Gast at the Frankfurter Volkstheater

The wasp a thriller by Morgan Lloyd Malcolm directed by Psyche Scott, launched on September 6 – this time in the Volksbühne by Michael Quast in the large Hirschgraben 19, where the English theatre was financed on September 22. Tickets are available under Tel. 069/24 23 16 20 or

If there is a question of a conversion technique, you notice that people quickly, if there is lighting and sound technology, the kaputten are needed or a short creditworthiness of the credit grant. “Of course, many things would be easier in our own house in the Gallileo Tower”, he thinks. “The different stage and hall sizes here, in the Volkstheater and in the Fritz-Rémond-Theater make everything a bit more complicated. That must always be rethought. It is interesting, but it seems that it is no longer so much fun to stay in the summer in the summer, if it is planned like that with the renovation.”

If you want the demands in the Theatersaal differently, then the Zuschauerräume will be an inconceivable concept. It is a design of the production for the active production, fitting “The Wasp” (“Die Wespe”) a riige flight. I am Volkstheater beispielsweise gilten andere Brandschutzvorstellen als im Gallileo-Turm. It takes a while before the short-term extension of three weeks speziell imprägniert is.

“It’s a compliziert, man must consider, that’s a great Flecken-gibt”, said the technical director. In the restyling of the purchase it is all so that it was a problem. The British Kreativteam has founded the spartan Ikea-Möbel, which wants to leave the Frankfurter Theaterwerkstatt, one of the costs, the ton and the beauty. When the premiere began in September, the performances for the Kulissen of the shrill winter musicals began. “Nonsense” in the direction of Ewan Jones from 11. December was launched, then again in the Fritz-Rémond-Theater. Gerade has dafür das Casting in Great Britain started.

The wasp, A thriller by Morgan Lloyd Malcolm directed by Psyche Scott, launched on September 6th – this time in the Volksbühne by Michael Quast in the large Hirschgraben 19, where the English theatre was financed on September 22nd. Tickets are available under Tel. 069/24 23 16 20 or

The wasp a thriller by Morgan Lloyd Malcolm directed by Psyche Scott, launched on September 6 – this time in the Volksbühne by Michael Quast in the large Hirschgraben 19, where the English theatre was financed on September 22. Tickets are available under Tel. 069/24 23 16 20 or

Writer Mathias Lyssy worked on his “eternalities” at the Theaterwerkstatt.
Writer Mathias Lyssy worked on his “eternalities” at the Theaterwerkstatt. © Rolf Oeser
Peter Vornhagen (left) and Max Mantl imprägnieren the ongoing Bühnenvorhang des Thrillers
Peter Vornhagen (left) and Max Mantl imprägnieren the transparent Bühnenvorhang of the Thrillers “The Wasp” – suitable as a kite entworfen © Rolf Oeser