
Gewerkschaften: USA: Meer Rechte für Amazon-Zusteller

Gewerkschaften: USA: Meer Rechte für Amazon-Zusteller

Member of the Teamsters Union at a rally in Palmdale, California.

Member of the Teamsters Union at a rally in Palmdale, California.

Photo: AFP/Robyn Beck

A vorläufigen Entscheidung der Nationaleen Behörde für Arbeitsbeziehungen (National Labor Relations Board, NLRB) is the trade and logistics company of Amazon in California with responsibility for the Arbeitsbedingungen of Fahrer*innen, who are appointed to their subunternehmen. Demnach gilded the Unternehmen gemeinsam with the Vertragspartnersn als Arbeitgeber. The company that enters into the collaboration with the team teams is statutory and does not manage online handlers, which is a non-existent external trade with the standard Delivery Service Partner (DSP).

“Amazon can no longer than the Verantwortung for the new Löhne und gefährlichen Bedingungen in de Subunternehmen Drücken”, says Jessie Moreno, Zusteller und Gewerkschafter voor de Entscheidung der regional Gliederung der Behörde in Los Angeles. If you consider that the Konzern has extensive control over the working conditions of the workers through its Geschäftsmodel, you see the Gewerkschaft in one of the best businesses in the world.

The background is a running conflict between Teamsters-Gewerkschaft and Amazon at the location in Palmdale. In 2023, there have been 80 years of organized and a tariff set with the Amazon sub-units Battle-Tested Strategies (BTS) that have been developed. After the tariffs, Amazon can use the Vertrag with the sub-units. If the company has the Grund, the BTS has been Vereinbarungen with the group injured. The business criticism, the logistics organization is organized. In addition, the group must systematically oppose the labor law.

Part of the previous phase would now go through the NLRB resolution. Demnach has been given broader rights on Amazon, with the Gewerkschaft über de folgen de Vertragskündigung voor de Beschäftigten met BTS, met de US-Nachrichtensender NPRberichtet. You can enjoy the Konzern Gewerkschaftsmitglieder under pressure and for the processing of valuable information.

»The separation of powers is mandatory, which means that Amazon is legally obliged to comply with the requirements regarding the working conditions of the trade.«

Sean O’BrienTeamsters Union

It’s a tougher story for the Teamsters. “The Entscheidungmacht deutlich, that Amazon is legally required, with its Fahrern über deren Arbeitsbedingungen zu traded,” said the Gewerkschaftsvorsitzende Sean O’Brien. There is a signal processing for the 275,000 Fahrer*innen input signals, which pass through sub-entrepreneurs for Amazon in the US.

Everything else is related to the unique needs of Amazon. While the Behauptung, the Entscheidung of the Unternehmens, the Vertrag with BTS has begun, a Vergeltungsmaßnahme gegen the Gewerkschaft gewesen sei, with APberichtet.

Gegenüber NPR teilte a Sprecherin von Amazon am Samstag with: »The behavior of the teamsters is unfounded. Falls and when the behavior is outlined, the verbs are aimed at verolgen, erwarten wir, dass sie ebenfalls abgewiesen were.«

The separation of the behavior is an asterisk, a guilty murder. If you follow one of the following, the official description of the work is a fact. If they both do not even have a share, it amounts to another anhörung for an internal internal purpose exists.

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