
Ukraine news: More tote with Russian Angriffen auf Sumy

Ukraine news: More tote with Russian Angriffen auf Sumy

4:21 PM | More Tote at Russian Angriffen auf Sumy

Russian Truppen have taken the eastern region of Sumy under the protection of Beschuss. Innerhalb von 24 Stunden seien über 260 Angriffe aus verschiedenen Waffen registriert be, teilte die ortlichen Behörden mit. If you see four people, you can see 13 weeks ahead. Zahlreiche Wohnhäuser seien both de Angriffen zerstört. The Sumy region is gilded as the main division for the Ukrainian Truppen in the western Russian region of Kursk. During the city, no fresh weapons and ammunition were collected for the soldiers and the front.

15:55 Uhr | Selenskyj: Trump has left Ukraine

Ukrainian President Wolodymyr Selensky has abandoned US President Donald Trump in the fall of Ukraine. Selensky said in a message with Indian reporters that his social media channels were slightly visible, Trump has had his vision on Ukraine and the war.

Updated 3:45 PM | More journalists after the Russian Angriff verletzt

More Western journalists will perform their duties during the nightly Russian Beschuss of the ostrukrainische Stadt Kramatorsk. Be hit as a hotel, four people will be insured, a person who is still under the Trümmern, the Ukrainian governor of the Donezk region, Wadym Filaschkin, on Telegram with. This is the moment when the Zwei Verletzten is written. Seinen Angaben nach ist under the Verletzten auch ein Deutscher. The umbrella possibilities have Ukrainian, Latvian and American-American citizenship.

2:15 PM | Selenskyj schlägt Friedensgipfel in If vor

Ukrainian President Wolodymyr Selensky has written a message that one of the two peaks could bring about a Friedenslösung. I said Selensky in a conversation with Indian journalists. There are Indian prime ministers who have made a change in the implementation of it. There are nice talks with Saudi Arabia, Qatar, the Turks and the Swiss about the Australian two-way meeting. It is likely that the conference in one country will come out of the air, but the abschlusserklärung of the previous peaks is no longer available. If you want a meeting in June in the Swiss area, you should not leave the abschlusserklärung but not.

13:13 Uhr | One toter after the Ukrainian Drohnenangriff in Dorf, Russia

At a Ukrainian Drohnenangriff on the Dorf Solowjowka in the Russian region of Belgorod, a governor-Vjatscheslaw Gladkow is shot down as a man. This message is a channel in the News App Telegram with.

1:00 PM | Selenskyj: Neue Rakete erolgreich eingesetzt

Ukraine has given President Wolodymyr Selensky a new schlagkräftige Waffe against Russia. “Gestern gab es de first erstolgreichen Kampfeinsatz unserer new Waffe – een ukrainisch weitreichenden Raketen-Drohne vom Typ Paljanyzja,” wrote Selenskyj on Facebook. The Hybrid is in the Low Countries, the Flugplätze are fighters of the Russian Kampfjets and Bombers that attack a Ukrainian City and Ortschaften. “Over the years, large numbers of Angriffskriegs Hat Russland Fast have acquired 10,000 Raketen Unterschiedlichen Types and more than 33,000 Gleitbomben from the Ukraine,” the State Secretary and the ruling Russian Angriffe from the Luft. With Ukraine under control, the offensive potential of the Russian Luftwaffe has been halted.

The rocket and drone mixes have been in the Anspruch mode for a few years, as Selenskyj. There is no power over the Reichsweite of Paljanyzja. There can be an expansion of production. As of the evening Selenskyj had announced the introduction of the new Waffe.

11:50 am | Reuters-Mitarbeiter nach Angriff auf Hotel vermisst

When a hotel in the remnant city of Kramatorsk makes a frightening impression on a hotel in the central city of Kramatorsk, a message is reported missing by the Reuters follow-up agent. Further injuries are reported. An investigation by the follow-up agent has revealed one of the findings of the Reuters team at the Hotel Sapphire. The result is that the Samstag is “struck by a rocket”. “One of our colleagues is still missing, two more were taken to a hospital for treatment”, here it is. Man works together with the dependants in Kramatorsk.

08:42 Uhr | Ukraine: Russian Rockets and Drohnen abgefangen

Russia has given Ukraine more missiles and drought in the north and east of the countries in the night. Most of the missiles are no longer bothered by the Luftwaffe. Russia has a ballistic missile of type Iskander-M, a marching body of type Iskander-K and its Lenkflugkörper-eingesetzt. Whoever was worth it could no longer work. Eight new Russian fear attacks will be carried out.

08:18 Uhr | Governor: Verletzte nach russischen Angriffen in the Charkiw region

The Governor of the Eastern Region of Charkiw is responsible for the protection of people in Russian Angriffs, who are responsible for a child for four years. Nach Angaben von Charkiws Bürgermeister wurde eenine Gasleitung in der Stadt damaged. At least two houses will be destroyed and damaged.