
KFSHRC sets new global standards in the digital world in general

KFSHRC sets new global standards in the digital world in general

RIAD, Saudi Arabia, Aug. 25, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — King Faisal Specialist Hospital & Research Center (KFSHRC) has developed an innovative technology, a medical education and training program to improve, and a rapid response initiative that includes the Smart On-Call Room and the Virtual Science Library.

In the Smart On-Call Room, where STID Mobile ID is used, time can really be spent on the right information, simple patient matters and clinical guidelines. During the optimization of the enterprise service, the response times were improved and the quality of care improved.

The KFSHRC has found an overview of information technology in the “Virtual Science Library”. This digital platform offers a new way of dealing with media, documents, books and materials and thus provides an interactive textbook. This initiative has taken the initiative to start with science, it is one of the fastest growing gesundheitslandschaften that offer a solution. The enhanced simulations of the KFSHRC program of the KFSHRC are based on the Kompetenz and Einsatzbereitschaft der Medizinische Auszubildenden and are available to prove that real Szenarien are self-helpful.

The integration technology across the spectrum of the KFSHRC reflects the direction of the direction of the orientation and the broader involvement, the digitalization of the representation of the Bildungserfahrung van nutzen. The KFSHRC states that it is important to understand the development of technological development in the medical field, and prepare for the future generation of health care resources for the future rings.

These developments are about global trends in the medical world, the world of innovation, digital transformation and global developments. As a Gold Sponsor of AMEE 2024, the Leitveranstaltung der Internationaleen Vereinigung für die Ausbildung in Gesundheitsberufen, the KFSHRC reinforces its commitment to the Gestaltung der Zukunft der Ausbildung in Gesundheitsbeufen.

It is a brand name, the King Faisal Specialist Hospital & Research Center zum zweiten Mal in Folge the first Platz im Nahen Osten en Nordafrika and the 20. Platz weltweit in der Liste der 250 besten academic medizinische Zentren der Welt invests hat and laut dem Brand Finance Ranking 2024 as the best Health Market in Saudi Arabia and in Nahen Osten anerkannt. Außerdem wurde selben Jahr vom Magazin Newsweek under de 250 beste Krankenhäuser der Welt gewählt.

Media contact:
Essam Al-Zahrani
+966 55 525 4429
[email protected]

A photo of the latter is available at