
Aufzug in 18-storey Hochhaus in Sossenheim functions after fast three weeks

Aufzug in 18-storey Hochhaus in Sossenheim functions after fast three weeks

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Aufzug in 18-storey Hochhaus in Sossenheim functions after fast three weeks
Fast three weeks, the residents of the Sossenheimer Hochhauses must continue living there all day. © Rolf Oeser

After placing the FR articles it is a Happy End in Sossenheim. The occupants: if it is so, it is no longer possible to solve a problem, so that the stair dust is high enough. A sick person can his Wohnung wieder verlassen. The device can be repaired.

Aufatmen in the Sossenheimer Hochhaus. There are few questions about the results of the FR articles that are available for repairs. Make sure that the occupants: spend a quick three weeks living warmly in the 18-storey Hochhaus. Family and other people need to take their stuff to the next level. The sick were confined in their living quarters. “If I stand with my Nachbarn im Aufzug, I have strahled. If it’s this much fun, then it’s worth it,” said Ahmed Kabal. Seine Eltern has lived for 47 years in the Hochhaus im Julius-Leber-Weg 5.

The object of the houses (Eigentümer ist das Wiesbadener Familienunternehmen Benner Holding) is a Bewohner who has made a new beginning. The device is no longer fit for use. A parallel war can no longer be in the fight. This will be extinguished.

These residents were beautiful for a long time, living away from home