
Nächste Pleite für 1860 Munich

Nächste Pleite für 1860 Munich

The Fehlstart from 1860 Munich in the new season of the 3. Liga is perfect. The Mannschaft of Trainer Argirios Giannikis plays in his game, after 1:3 (0:1) against Viktoria Cologne, the Sechzig-Fans in a free time. Schon zur Halbzeit is a gellende Pfeifkonzert, after the Schlussspfiff is not lauter.

Bryan Henning (26.) and 17-year-old Said El Mala (49.) brought the Domstädter to Führung. Raphael Ott (69). Stattdessen said Serhat Güler (81.) the other Vorsprung wieder her.

After the game is played, the season still starts at the Tabellenkeller feast. In the offensive falters the goal stehen auf der Habenseite.