
Loredana Wollny struggles with general problems

Loredana Wollny struggles with general problems

  1. Mannheim24
  2. Promi & Toon

Loredana Wollny struggles with general problems
“Die Wollnys” star Loredana takes to Instagram with an unintended purpose. © Screenshot/RTL+/Die Wollnys

“Die Wollnys”-Spross Loredana was absent for a long time. There is now an update with my fans on social media, which is repeated by Sorgen.

The reality show ‘Die Wollnys – Eine schrecklich große Familie’ took a while before the large family was on social media. Darunter auch Loredana Wollny (20), provided the fans with a pair of their Alltag. But at the end of the day it was still suspicious Instagram-Channel of the young mother.

The war is still long, so still a Wollny-Nesthäkchen Loredana

Normally it is the Loredanas Instagram-Profil ainiges los. Kein Wunder, finally stops with his Son Aurelio (1) and his big family ordentlich on Trab. Zuletzt is a fearless newcomer of the Wollnys: Jeremy-Pascal (27) who comes out with his mother Mutter Silvia (59) and is no longer in the family. The strange thing is that nothing has happened – if there is no new update from Loredana.

From the 20th century it took a long time, it would be a problem to do this. But that is a good Grund. In this case Instagram-Story meldet sich Loredana nun zurück. „We are completely free from this problem, since we have no health problems at all“, it is easy to understand, it is worth it with the help of the loosened servet in the care of a business practice.

The great Frage: Was hat Loredana Wollny?

A big problem is the problem that Loredana Wollny will not solve. I said the following in the online community: “It was a big problem that a man could go bald and with a big chance that he would speak out.”

Look at Loredana Wollny: The mumbling of a son hates general problems with camps.
Check out Loredana Wollny: The mumbling son hates general problems with camps. © Instagram/loredanawollny

The power in Eindruck, as the power of Loredana, is not as great. Zomindeste machen ihre Instagram-Stories the Announcement. Dort said that it is well with my Servet, the couple is vertreibt sich with Neckereien the time in Wartezimmer. The 20 years came to a small kiss on the cheek of my Liebsten. Make sure that Loredanas Freund Servet with a job in the job for the cleanup, the Hinweise on a new Geschäftsfeld gaben.