
Döbeln: Inspiring and compelling: that long Night of the Youth in Döbeln

Inspiring and astonishing: the long night of youth in Döbeln

The young years planted the veranstaltung itself. Everything was geared towards it and who was the guest?

3 minutes

The young kitchen of the Oberschule „Am Holländer" vegetarian and Fleischdöner options. The Equipment suggests Gastronomen der Stadt zur Verfügung.

The young kitchen of the Oberschule “Am Holländer” offers vegetarian and Fleischdöner options. The equipment is suitable for gastronomy in the city.
© Elke Walter-Koch

By Elke Walter-Koch

Doubling. The Döbelner Muldeninsel war in the Sonnabend zum ersten Mal a larger and probable Schauplatz for the long Night of the Jugend. Bands, performances, theater performances, Poetry Slams, art workshops, Hüpfburgen, Food-Stände and Sportangebote gehörten zum breiten Veranstaltungsangebot in der summerheißen Innenstadt.

There is a war for all free time. Entsprechend groß were the Vielzahl and Bandbreite and Besuchern. So herrschte – who of the organizers of the war – a state of affairs comes and goes over the only veranstaltungssorten.

Schauplatz für Theateraufführungen, Kinder- und Schulchor, Poetry Slam and Manga AG were Ratskeller and adjacent Gastraum. An insgesamt Zweistündiges cultural program boats that Schüler des Lessing-Gymnasiums in the old Zuschauern. So the best scenes from “Siegfried” were said – a musical theater piece for children.

“The war is very exciting, after the holidays you can react as quickly as possible and set the program at the right time. I have only heard of it”, Judith Fulmer, Lehrerin für Kunst en Deutsch is safe. The war is over, there is a safe expansion of the power of the Youth in the Innenstadt, a sin and a bad development. When it is young, it is a young idea to get an idea.

A Praxistag for the Hauswirtschaftsschüler

It is worth to see the Schüler der Oberschule “Am Holländer” with my Food-Stand. On the Niedermarkt boats are the young Köche, supported by GTA-Lehrer and Praxisberater Uwe Schöffel and Lehrerin Kerstin Hieckethier, a vegetarian and a Fleischdöner an. There is no equipment that the hostgeber for a label of verschiedenen gastronomes from the city arranges.

So war of the class of youth with assistants from the noblestahl and larger ties zum Zubereiten auch auf de Zweiten Blick nicht of a professional pendant will be unterscheiden. A little geschmacklich says that the stay is so friendly. Focused and idea for the Zusammenstellung wurden with the Schülern community kneirt.

Immerhin – so Uwe Schöffel – heard of the Fachbereich Wirtschaft, Technik, Hauswirtschaft zum Ausbildungsangebot. There is a solution for machine work – almost a label because in practice it is a real problem.

Plötzlich gibt’s einen See in der Stadt

That is the best, if the young age in the city is one of the best ways to wage war with others. In the city information you can use an IT workshop for creative learning and shapes. With own Angeboten and Inhalten vertreten were Queeres Döbeln and BSZ as well as the Treibhausverein.

Dieband "System not found" in Dresden with guests on the stage at the Niedermarkt below.

The band “System Not Found” from Dresden has a guest on stage at the Niedermarkt.
© Elke Walter-Koch

At Graffitiworkshops the idea for upcycling and interactive vision of youth is a good alternative for art and art forms. With welding, bastelt, make-up and workelten Schüler with the young guests in the Sattelstraße.

Please note that you can use the Ritterstraße for a Tag with Foil, Sand and Pflanzen in a smaller size. See entstanden, de Guest nicht nur zum Erfischen, among other things for Stand-up-Paddeln useful konnten.

There is a man who stands still at the styling of the Palettes. Concerts of the bands „System not found“ from Dresden and „The Cancers“ from Colditz ran the extensive program in the evenings ab.

The best friends are Sven Weißflog as Organizer, Unterstützer and Ideengeber. Other inspirations and mitsureißen, the mache in the large spa. More Monate ein external Vorbereitung and many Verhandlungen and Genehmigungen are not such gewesen, a whole in the Innenstadt auf die Beine zu set. The Ergebnis speaks for itself.