
SV Kurdistan Düren wins the SC Erkelenz

SV Kurdistan Düren wins the SC Erkelenz

The season start of the SV Kurdistan Düren is lucky. At the new Heimspielstätte in Mariaweiler, the Team of Thomas Graf was found in 2:1-Erfolg over the SC Erkelenz the Punkte zu Hause. If the coach pauses his team, he must keep the game „now“ 1:1. „I have a knicked Mannschaft vogefunden“, which raises its head at SVK. The only torch of the guest is Marcel Nickels in the Ausgleichstreffer (27.). After a long war with the head-to-head goal of Salifu Krubally to the kurz, soft drinks for Keeper Philipp Kabil nor Nickels dazwischen went.

Start playing football landesligisten, one of the best guests you can find. For the Fuhrungstreffer an Ecke has to repeat. The first time this happened was after sweating that Krubally was able to release from einköpfen. Ärgerlich out of sight of guest coach Pascal Thora: “Wir clear the Ecke gut, since aber in dieser Situation völlig orientationslos and lost the Mann aus den Augen.” Nach dem Ausgleich is his Elf clerk.

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Neidlos must be recognized after the Dominanz of the SVK in Halbzeit zwei, wewegen der Sieg der Dürener für ihn in Ordnung went. The Halbzeitansprache of SVK-Trainer Graf fruchtete definitiv. “I have a good attitude about my manliness, because the Torchancen bowlen were, we will continue to work.” Immediately after the match, Gerard Sambou and Kafan Othman separated with a double chance and guest keeper Jacomo Patza. Sambou and Othman were not very experienced, the first experiences with a Doppelpass freispielten. But the 39-year-old Neuzugang von Borussia Freialdenhoven kam nicht zum Abschluss.

In the 65th minute of play the leadership of the SVK dies. A quick elimination by the Abwehr of Inan Naki lies in the right-wing indented Shota Nagano in 2:1. Not a minute later, goalkeeper Patza prevented with his Fingerspitzen against Nurullah Yasar Goal number three. This has not fallen again. Very good possibilities lie the home team out. Othman played a pass in the deep, after Takuya Osawa saw before Patza was no longer nervous and pushed the ball-left into the Tor-vorbei.

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While the guest Thora brought a fresh Kräfte and nor an Ausgleichchance-hoffte, which aber nicht more entstand, ließ Graf is the first Elf who takes care of Ende Durchspielen: “I would like to be a Trainer not with Wechseln zu früh eingreifen. We never played games, but now it is no longer possible.” Five minutes before the end of the day, Mahmud Nour Al Khatab in this, the Naki nor a letzten good Abschluss ermöglichte. Aber auch hier war Torwart Patza zu Stelle. “Wir is the best goalkeeper in the Landesliga and the long attacking team. When I come into the League, Thora says a Leistung male enterprise, which a man can build up. This punk is not present in the government at SVK.