
Reul: Tatwaffe von Solingen hatte Klinge von 15 Zentimetern

Reul: Tatwaffe von Solingen hatte Klinge von 15 Zentimetern

After the fatal attack in Solingen, North Rhine-Westphalia’s Minister of the Interior Herbert Reul (CDU) spoke about new details of the Ermittlungen. If you abandon an asylum seeker, you can use another Halterung for a fundraising campaign, like Reul of the “Rheinische Post”. “One of the Messer financed by you is the boss who has taken charge.” The Messer, founded in the second of the Tatorts, has a Klinge of 15 Zentimetern and his only Tatwaffe.

The suspected 26-year-old Syrer, who are present at the same time as the police force, will be in NRW since 2022, later in Paderborn and then in Solingen. “We have a lot of knowledge about myself,” painted Reul. It’s not like this happens spontaneously. After the interior ministers warned the Mann man about the blessing, “nicht weit von der Unterkunft” versteckt.

At the Stadtfest in Solingen, three people were welcomed at a Messer. Eight people were lost, four died. The Bundesanwaltschaft has the 26-Jährigen roads Mordes and roads des Suspects der Mitgliedschaft in der Terrormiliz Islamischer Staat (IS).

Festgenommener offenbar mit Verbindung

After Angaben Reuls in the asylum seeker at a Mann-fest have started, there is a connection to the most likely situation. “The two of them know their feelings. It is possible that the sisters are made – possibly also at Tattag. There was a big fall in the fall. There is no war.”

In the case of a connection with a Samstagmorgen party 15 years ago, we could not say anything. „Der hat womöglich etwas von der Tat gewusst“, so Reul. It is best to know what the message is that you have spoken.

Before the background of the animation begins, the journey out of the environment begins. “We can’t take care of everything, they will come to us. We have clear rules for Zuwanderung. There will be a brauchen a limitation. We will find the European Union’s Loss, we will find our customers and the German Borders that will intensify the Maßnahmen,” said the Internal Minister. Auch Abschiebungen must be quicker and easier.