
Krafttraining activates zelluläre Müllentsorgung –

Krafttraining activates zelluläre Müllentsorgung –

© Volker Lannert / University of Bonn / Krafttraining active in the field of the Müllabfuhr, there was no long-term supervision of the musk doctrine.
© Volker Lannert / University of Bonn / Krafttraining active in the field of the Müllabfuhr, there was no long-term supervision of the musk doctrine.

In our research, the Entsorgung beschädigter Zelldossierteile unerlässlich voor de Aufrechterhaltung von Geweben und Organen.

An international research team under the federation of the University of Bonn now has an example of the regulations that the Entsorgungssystems offers. Demnach would be active during the power training. The foundation can use the foundation for new therapies to visualize heart and nervous diseases and also to accompany zum Gelingen in welfare missions. The results were included in the active publication of the Fachmagazins “Current Biology”.

Muskel and nerve cells are elongated switching organs, the components of which are a standard representation. While the Entsorgung component parts of Protein BAG3 play a separate role. There are no components and components known that replace these by cell membranes: an autophagosome is a fact. In this “Müllbeutel” the decrease of the waste stream and its recycling becomes smaller. The research team of Prof. Dr. Jörg Höhfeld from the Institute for Cell Biology of the University of Bonn has now followed BAG3 in the muskusulatory during the active Krafttraining. For the cell Müllabfuhr it is important that the following: The first active BAG3 binding set damages cell component efficiency and ensures the Membranumhüllung foran. An active organizational system is invisible, a long time the muskrat will go through it. “Eintegration des BAG3-Systems führt in die zu rasch-fortschreitenden Muskelschwächen bei Kindern und zum Herzversagen, een der häufigsten Todesursachen in western Industrienationen”, explains Prof. Höhfeld.

Important experience for training and rehabilitation

Sports physiologists from the Deutschen Sporthochschule Cologne and the Universität Hildesheim specialized in their study. The Hildesheimer Professor Sebastian Gehlert concretes the Bedeutung der Befunde: “We know now that the training intensity for a single activity of the BAG3-Systems is not. This is the purpose of the training program for the optimization of the Spitzensportler and the Muskelaufbau in Patients in the Zuge der Rehabilitation zu improve. ” Gehlert takes advantage of this recognition in addition to the support of the German Olympia teams.

Not only necessary in Muskeln

The BAG3 system is no longer active in the musk lamp. Mutations in BAG3 can cause one of the nerve disorders, which are performed after the treatment of the Charcot-Marie-Tooth syndrome. It comes down to a Absterben of Nerve Phases in Arms and Legs. Affected movements in the following hand movements and movements are no longer possible. On the basis of Zellen, who of Erkrankten-stammen, said that the Research Team is now, this is the best form of syndrome with a fehlerhaften-regulation of the BAG3-Entsorgungssystems comes. The financing is based on the more extensive systems for the management.

Unknowledgeable Regulation of the Path for Therapy

There is an excess of time, while the Aktvierung of BAG3 is not absorbed. “A lot of protein is kept in the layer by the increase of the phosphate groups, which activates the phosphorylation. In BAG3, the Vorgang is nevertheless reversed”, says Jörg Höhfeld, who is in the Transdisciplinary Research Area (TRA) “Life and Health” of the University of Bonn. “In the resting muscles, the BAG3 phosphoryl is and the phosphate groups are used by the active action.” Damit rücken the Phosphatases – Enzyme, the phosphate groups are formed – in the center of interests. In the identification of phosphates, which activate BAG3, Höhfeld buys with the chemicals and biologist Prof. Maja Köhn of the University of Freiburg. “The identification of the phosphatases involved is a heavier Schritt”, erläutert Köhn. “A new Wirkstof has appeared, which could be added to the activities of BAG3 in the Körper Einfluss.” Damit has new consequences for the treatment of musculoskeletal disorders, symptoms and nervous disorders.

Auch für die Raumfahrt bedeutsam

The German Research Community carried out the work on the BAG3 system in a Research Group led by Prof. Höhfeld. A further development of the environment in the German air and air transport center: “BAG3 is a mechanical Kraft activity. If the mechanical stimulation is available? It is important for the astronauts and the astronauts to be able to move around and be immobilized and Intensive patients and patients?” Erklärt Höhfeld Hilfreich is a BAG3 that is active.

Support and better settings

Neben der Universität Bonn is de Universität Freiburg, de Deutsche Sporthochschule, de Forschungszentrum Jülich, de Universität Antwerpen, die Universität Hildesheim und der Studie. You can call on the German Forschungsgemeinschaft and the Space Agency in the German Center for Air and Space.

Original publication:
Ottensmeyer, et al.: Force-induced dephosphorylation activates the cochaperone BAG3 to coordinate protein homeostasis and membrane trafficking. „Current Biology“, DOI: 10.1016/j.cub.2024.07.088;

Katrin Piecha

Article Online geschaltet von: / Doris Holler /