
After all: Millions of children experience their lives in such a way that their impact is not significant.

After all: Millions of children experience their lives in such a way that their impact is not significant.

© UNICEF/UN0836989/Naftalin / Ein Mädchen in South Sudan blows its way into the head of a washing machine. I am South Sudan and other countries that will see the extreme heißen Tage grim sucks
© UNICEF/UN0836989/Naftalin / Ein Mädchen in South Sudan blows its way into the head of a washing machine. I am South Sudan and other countries that will see the extreme heißen Tage grim sucks

Laut UNICEF-Analyse nehmen Tage with more extreme hitze over 35 degrees in fell countries quickly – with great health benefits for children and adults

Your happy child – or 466 Millions – lives in Gegenden, in this jedes Jahr mindsestens twice as often extremely heiße Tage gibt wie nor for sechs Jahrzehnten.

UNICEF has compared the year 1960 with the duration of the year 2020 to 2024 and warned of the wind and the Ausmaß, with the extremely high temperature – defined as days with temperatures above 35 degrees Celsius – causing the life and health of the child’s world to deteriorate.

“These summer days appear to be normal,” said UNICEF Executive Director Catherine Russell. “The extreme heat is not as great as the health, the world and the Alltag der Kinder.”

Weltweit is childish in the African countries where the most extreme measures are taken, and it is worth reaching the highest age. 123 million children in West and Central Africa – or 39 children in the region – experience today much more than a third of the year (at least 95 days) temperatures above 35 degrees Celsius. In some of the federal states, the temperature can last longer if the temperature is extremely high: in Mali this is 212 days, in Niger 202 days, in Senegal 198 days and in Sudan 195 days.

In Late America and the Caribbean there are quickly 48 million children in the region, in that case it is so that extremely much time is spent on the time in the largest part. In Paraguay it is Beispiel that the extreme hot days compare with the 1960s from 36 to 71 days increased.

Heat stress in the kitchen, due to the extreme heat exerted, poses a lonely sorrow for the health care and the well-being of child and pregnant women, without a doubt about the fact that they cannot earn money from the Abkühlung-verfügbar.

“Children are not small children. It can be extremely difficult to react. Young bodies rise faster and cool down more slowly. Extreme heat is for babies that lowers the frequency of the temperature, while the temperature is not too high for children, says Russell.

Heat stress is brought with complications of pregnancy, early childhood and adulthood in connection. If children can no longer tolerate the heat, it is a matter of higher risks for the heat wave or the sunny period. Therefore, the heat of the mangelernährung can cause and power childhood diseases, which spread at high temperatures, cause malaria and dengue infection. It is possible that the problem is caused in the neurological way, that the mental health and well-being of the person are discovered.

It is possible to make debts, schlechter Schlafqualität and Konzentrationsschwierigkeiten and anyway a Auswirkungen auf die Bildung von Kindern and Jugendlichen.

Ambitionierter Klimaschutz as clear Muss

In the coming months, all member states of the Paris Agreement must submit new national climate plans – the Nationally Defined Contributions (NDC 3.0). These plans will implement the climate protection protection for one year. UNICEF is working on state and government leaders, governments and the private sector that is located at this location. Ambitious climate protection management is urgently needed, one of the things you need is a healthy and sustainable environment to wash.

“The direction has to deal with the temperature that you control – and it is a unique opportunity to do that. As the direction goes over the national climates, it dies with the energy and the wisdom, as the children of the heute and the zukünftige generations live in the world, weld the hinterland,” Russell said.

More information

In the current UNICEF report ‘A Threat to Progress: Confronting the Impacts of Climate Change on Children’s Health and Well-Being’ it was stated that children’s health care will be compromised by climate change.


If the temperature is extremely high (extremely hot day) gold is gilded, a day of 35 degrees Celsius is overwritten.

Temperature data were manually tagged in aggregated temperatures based on the ERA5 Reanalyses (Muñoz, 2019; abgerufen am 10. July 2024) berechnet, the use of the Google Earth Engine platform is completed and completed.

Article Online geschaltet von: / Doris Holler /