
GEA Action: War being carried out? – dax_mdax – Börsennachrichten

GEA Action: War being carried out? – dax_mdax – Börsennachrichten

The anti-immunity immunity of the Gea-Aktie has been in the last two weeks of the positive way, with the disk support in the social media and the foren revoreht. When one of the two days had a positive or negative relationship in the foreground, there was a good assessment of the action.

In the case of the dividend, an active Yield of 2.47 Percent was on, a sector of 3.02 Percent was lying. The difference between 0.55 percent and a lower value, we will execute the action in this category neutral. If you are on the beach, if the dividend yield is high, it is worth distributing the dividend to active activities.

The technical stake amounts to the duration of the Gea-Aktie for 37.62 Euro, while the active course lies for 41.04 Euro. There is a difference between +9.09 percent to GD200, which results in a good rating. I paid an amount of 50 days for 39.83 Euro, with a value of +3.04 percent against a neutral setting. In total, a good rating is obtained.

I have an industry comparison that the Gea-Aktie gives a return of 19.55 percent in one year. That is 11.26 percent over the cut or stock from the industry sector, which is 8.29 percent. If you see a machine in the industry, you get a little more return 8.27 percent, Gea exceeds this value at 11.28 percent. If you want to deliver the best performance, the action is performed as well.

Buy, stop or sell – Ihre GEA-Analyzefrom me 26.08. gives the answer:

Who wants GEA to continue? Do you like to buy something or take another chance? The answers to these fragments and why If you are doing business, you may be in the active GEA analysis.

Course and further information on the topic:

GEA Group AG Navigator Holdings

Current discussions on the theme:

GEA GROUP – Clear bullish … (07.08.24)
Kann yes wohl nicht wahr sein … (18.03.11)
Here are some good news in … (17.04.07)

Actuelle Nachrichten zum Unternehmen:

GEA Action: War die Aufregung u. (00:01)
Make a comeback at GEA! (22.08.24)
GEA Action: Leichter Kursanstieg . (21.08.24)
GEA Promotion: Stabiles Wachstum tr. (17.08.24)
GEA Action: Profitability Scaffold Run. (07.08.24)

Alle Nachrichten zum Unternehmen

Current analyses of the Companies:

GEA Group AG
Navigator Holdings