
Online reports – Politics – Basler Select: Esther Keller will invest during the purchase

Online reports – Politics – Basler Select: Esther Keller will invest during the purchase

© Photo by Alessandra Paone,

Esther Keller steals “at least 20,000 francs” at.

Das Zünglein an der Waage: The green liberal woolen ihren All inputs, in itself clearly the left and the right Block zu positionieren.

By Alessandra Paone

Esther Keller hat in der Schweiz Ferien gemacht. Consciously. If you are able to react quickly, it will be “brennt”, as the GLP Regulations Ratin says. If it doesn’t work, it’s not good. Everything is uncomplicated. The Wahlkampf in Basel has gotten off to a rough start, but the first sawhaft.

There is a problem with links that are included on the right, as long as there are no statistics. There may still come. But in the cellar, fear must not be re-elected on October 20 – but not. With the free statements of Christian Egeler, one of the candidates who is following the Keller path is political ausrichtung (one could enjoy the GLP politicization) that could be accepted. There are big names that OnlineReports can count on. And: The former Telebasel moderator seems to be believed by the population.

The question that poses is also less, if Keller makes the re-selection, especially much more, because it requires two or only one selection. “I went crazy if I was a Löwin, it was a blow in the course of time”, said the predecessor of the Basler Construction and Transport Departments (BVD) himself and went to work and erholt.

Read the 39-year-old film in the Foyer des Cinéma Küchlin, where he works with party president Serge Meyer, the Faction Chief in the Grossen Rat, Claudia Baumgartner and Wahlkampfleiter Daniel Ordas with the Wahlkampf of the Grünliberals. There is a passage that can increase the fear of the Klans: “We are not reacting to provocations,” said Ordas. A self-confident man watches offensive portrayals.

A Director Candidate

Keller looks at a message of four “good” years, in the event that “we can not pose new problems”. This is the operation of the BVD companies and these have been. There are a few things that you can not do by writing your Amtsantritt Mails. If you open the registers, you go over the most mobile roads of the free street or the green asphalt, while the other areas of interest are at ease. Keller looks at potential advertisers, who will invest in the Baubewilligungs projects, which will last a long time and will be digitalized.

Thematically, the grünliberal situation is represented in the Wahlkampf-treu. It is about a person, environment and economy. Also a Bildung and Chancengleichheit, CO2 reduction, city climate or the Zusammenarbeit in Europe.

These Green liberals are only concerned about their own wishes. A collaboration with the Mitte is in Raum, which focuses on a civil policy with LDP, FDP and SVP. Jedenfalls will leave the GLP in its position, use it left and right and offer an alternative to “everything that cannot be replaced by the ideological blocks”, as Ordas said. “Wir wollen die gestaltende Kraft sein.”

A team

“Gestaltet” hat Ordas turns into a competition. There are many people who play a role as a tatschmeister full of a presentation of various gadgets with a glass with a self-chosen rear light, a shopping bag made of fabric or a wooden cookware. All giveaways are with a notebook or a written text intended to include the government candidacy of Esther Keller on the general list.

The interweaving of government and gross council selection is deliberate. The Grünliberals will be the designation hybrid here. If I join all other parties that are in a federation for selection, the GLP can be an explained order as part of a government council and a list of concentrations.

A campaign with a party logo, which the Baselbieter Regierungsräte Isaac Reber (Grüne) and Thomi Jourdan (EVP) have found hereditary, can not infringe for Keller. If you like to play as a team player, then say. Ausserdem sold as the GLP at each in a favorable location as a functional group, the Spass in the Zusammensein hat, and could also offer a solution.

A budget

It is worth thanking the partner of Katja Christ. The wifted strategy that brought the Basler GLP to the Kurs took a while a few years – among other things Keller’s choice in the Regie of four years. Christ himself unexpectedly got the jump in the Nationalrat in 2019 and was again chosen in the past autumn.

In addition to the fact that Serge Meyer has taken over the leadership of the party. Ihm sei bewusst, was Christus ledet habe, said there. If you are the first Wahlkampf and are in the first Media conference, you can also use this. There is no doubt about this impulse and seeing it, it is a fact that Christus was rejected by a “toll team”.

The Soul of the GLP is not Keller’s Re-choice of the eighth Grossratsmandat. “Everything, what is more, pleases us naturally”, said Ordas. It is a part of a budget of 120,000 francs. With the money financing of the Grünliberals on Keller’s government candidate. “At least 20,000 francs” come from Keller’s own pocket. If you want the Grossspenden to be there, then say. “That’s true talk.”

Keller power in Wahlkampf 2020 with a lot of money, was for the best choice. There is a war going on against the Besitzer des Clara-Areals. There are 15,000 Francs spent. If you take control, the area of ​​your kaufen. Keller has not ended up in the Australian state and has received a great criticism.

August 9, 2024

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