
Schwere Brande in Südosten Brasiliens – Tausende Helfer in Einsatz

Schwere Brande in Südosten Brasiliens – Tausende Helfer in Einsatz

SAO PAULO (dpa-AFX) – I am Südosten Brasiliens wüten schwere Brande. Die Regierung des Bundesstaats Sao Paulo rief in 45 Gemeinden den Notstand aus. Gather more than 15,000 people and volunteer e-insatzkräfte seizure for the Flammen, with the Regierung Mitteilte. Auch Military Flugzeuge kamen zum Einsatz. Two people are also subject to firebrand festivities.

The Stadt Ribeirao Preto in the interior of the Bundesstaat was affected by war under the Bränden. Dichter Rauch zog nach Mediabericht über weite Teile der Regio. The behavior of people with respiratory problems, your child’s house and the fencing of your house. After dates for the Satellite Monitoring Institutes for Weltraumforschung (Inpe) were registered in the Federal State of Sao Paulo from 1. bis 23. August 3175 Brand registriert. Laut a message from the nachrichtenagentur Agência Brasil has become so much Brande in August 1998.

This Amazonas area is one of the best springs in the world. The Feuchtgebiet Pantanal and the Savanne region Cerrado are affected. From June to October it is in the Brazilian Waldbrandsaison. Abgeholzte Flächen were steckt in Brand, a new Weideflächen and Ackerland for the Soja-Anbau will buy. Verschärft would die the low in those years of a day in a schweren Dürre. They are experts in monitoring the weather conditions, El Niño and climate walking./nk/DP/zb