
Underautomation: automatic sparflamme?

Underautomation: automatic sparflamme?

In the past, the digitalization of German industry for the reorganization of the economy would have a great impact on their safety and use. A separate factor is the automation of your process, which can no longer provide any efficiency improvement, but also prevent the reduction of costs and expenses.

Dennoch said in practice the road to automation is often steeper. If you are an active user of an electronic system since 72 Prozent der befragten Unternehmen davon überzeugt, that Automation is essential, but in general Wettbewerb besthen zu können.

Tobias Wölk, Product Manager Automation Technology and Active Components at Electrical Reichelt, warned against one of the following automations: “A simple implementation or an unmanaged automation can cause damage, which never has an inefficient power, but also increases its risks and can. If you use a new technology, it will no longer be available. It can make the production of products disappear from the range. A well-thought-out and bad strategy is a unique way to resume the automation of the overwind and maintain more hours.“

“Under-automation”: An unterschätzte reausforderung

In production, in business processes, all companies and IT systems, automation has often remained untouched. “Under-Automation” describes situations or processes that cannot or can hardly be solved by technological problems. Statistics were performed manually, but were not inefficient, but could also be fehlern- and verzögerungenführt. A classic control system is manual data processing, and is one of the orders or beim-inventarmanagement.

Unintegrated automation can cause the data silos to expand, we will change other activities, processes or tools that are not so good. In a solution for an enterprise, it is not possible to connect data with the quality management with the production data. The production of products or machines that were identified on the other side, was less important in the quality of the products for the next products.

There is no “under-automation” of the problem of fragmented internal communication in an internal organization. If the production and quality management systems are different, the instruments or communication channels that can use information can be lost or even more neglected. As a result of inefficiency and misunderstandings, the usefulness of more uniform and integrated communication systems will be avoided.

Old Ways, Lost Chances: Wenn Unternehmen im Analogen stecken bleiben

The following developments in the field of ‘Under-Automation’ are no longer efficient. If the quality of work is determined by long and inefficient processes, your strategic and creative development can no longer be carried out. Statt-zielgerichteter exercises, which convey your professional expertise, the work will often be repeated too often and repeated manually. If the frustration no longer exists, another source of resources is used, which can make the other people more useful.

Look at an alternative to an automatic predictive maintenance, a potential of indefinite machines that you can recognize is that the maintenance costs are high and the sensation is continued. It may be that a failure by Bauteilen occurs, while manual inspections on the parts of the components do not take place when there is inheritance tax. Economical costs, a lower efficiency of the war process and the production sauce fall under the following circumstances.

There has never been any talk of “Under-Automation” negatively about the Innovationskraft a Unternehmens aus. If you need more time and resources for solving problems or manual solutions, it becomes easier for the new ideas and products to find the solution. This stagnation is caused by the Wachstum and the wettbewerbsfähigkeit is a unternehmens. So if you are in a time, in the complicated Fortschritte you can use, you can follow the hints better.


Stolpersteine ​​​​in Unternehmen: Was bremst die Automatisierung wirklich?

When you are done explaining the automation, you may find that there are some problems in implementing the costs. If you are an active user, you can get an electronic scope of the big hurdles and the most unpredictable investments that are focused on investments (32 Percent of the components). Sometimes it happens that one of the automatic options chosen by the machine, the big nuts give a long tragfähig. This separation complexity is then carried out, the innovative technology-insgesamt of the Einsatz technology is improved.

The professional mechanic breaks down the expected demand for 31 percent of the companies. The specialist expertise that is required for the implementation and automation of the system is difficult to find. Darüber was born on 28 percent of companies, which the costs and the high investment investments a serious disadvantage. For 26 problems with solving problems, the problem with your technological solutions is not specific and it is not possible to continue with your company.

Many of these redevelopments lead to a central problem: the lack of know-how. Make sure that you spend more time and resources on separating your customers, a more intensive use of the specific solutions for the use of other devices and streamlined automation solutions for identification. Informed advice and a comprehensive training program, the technical knowledge as well as a strategic understanding combine, complete this process.

Fazit: Automation as an investment in the future of future development

In the current industrial landscape, the pressure for implementation is more innovative automation solutions all-round. If you want to go a step further than the re-examination, it is not worth working with the technological solutions, but you can also proactively try a product, a production process and your legality on the scaffolding. Strategic optimization of the automation can result in the efficiency of the cost reduction decreasing. There is still no active research into electronics, that is 58 percent of the companies that have invested in automation technology within 12 depreciated amounts.

A main advantage of automation is the liberate use of resources for valuable asset creation. If there is a shortage of energy, it is the case that the optimization of the further development of the economy is promoted by the reduction of energy costs or the sparing resources. The automation of the effective utility large data mixes new possibilities for foundation business separations. The analysis of knowledge can be increased by increasing the market trends and expanding the production. A gradual implementation of automation technology has made the costs effective for the management and the risks in limiting the installation. Thus, automation projects are shown to be a separate investment in the future capability of the company.

(vp/national electronics)