
Radolfzell: Tom Gaebel and the musicians travel through music with: Bundeswehr Big Band enthuses as written

Radolfzell: Tom Gaebel and the musicians travel through music with: Bundeswehr Big Band enthuses as written

These compliments can be read as follows: The Radolfzeller is the attractive audience and the music with the music on Lake Constance once – so the Stabshauptmann and Tour Manager Johannes Langendorf at the Auftritt of the Bundeswehr Big Band with singer Tom Gaebel in the concert hall. It is said that it will take a few more years – then the four men – wieder nach Radolfzell to come.

It takes 50 years to let the Big Band go through the country and can bring in 20 million euros for the money that Zwecke has earned. In Radolfzell the Bürgerstiftung now profits from the Spendeneinnahmen and Oberbürgermeister Simon Gröger concretely in his statement, who sees the expenses, that at Bedarf are directly for or an eingesetzt wörden.

It could be interesting

Radolf dust

Radolfzeller erobern die britische Insel trotz Ausschreitungen: So war die Konzertreise

Schlenden through Inverness: (from left) Lilli Franz, Anna Feßler, Nicola Baar and Helen Schmidt of JBO during the Konzertreise.

Press teacher Joachim Strate von der Bürgerstiftung zählte auch gleich Projekte auf, die von den spenden profitieren: So became Schwimmunterricht and Frühstück for Kinder finanziert, a Küche for the Kinderhaus Radolfzell also be purchased, in the Tegginger Schule unterrichte a Musikpädagogin all three first classes. Weihnachtsaktionen würden mit de Buchläden-organiser und Tafel und Seniorenverbände erhielten Unterstützung. Like the Werbe block for the big expenses and the big war, the musical program must get going, in the last century until 22 hours ago.

Singer Marco, and the singers Bonita and Sofia heizen dem Publikum ordentlich ein

Singer Marco, and the sinners Bonita and Sofia are the public’s orderly one | Image: Veronika Pantel

Exit through the World of Music

With a nice appetizer you start with the professional music, the gleichzeitig all soldiers are, with “On the street where you live” under the motivated leadership of Timor Oliver Chadik. Then the singers Sofia Andersson, Bonita Niessen and singer Marco Matias at Ed Sheeran-Medley, orderly a band and a saxophone quintett prove, who energetically Britney Spears song “Toxic” with told solos on soprano, alto, tenor and baritone saxophones can sing.

In any case, the people in the Konzertsegel were Soloists with improvisations in Einsatz.

In any case, the people in the Konzertsegel were Soloists with improvisations in Einsatz. | Image: Veronika Pantel

The audience started with the spätestens beim Beatles-Medley no longer in Stehen aus and moved themselves – so gut es went in the narrow stehenden Menge – and sang Refrains gleich mit. Stimmung en Begeisterung aber were durable nor tops: Denn with Sänger Tom Gaebel, student Jazz singer and ausgewiesener Frank Sinatra-Interpret, gab the reforming Band nor an alle and the Publikum tauchte with “Fly me to the moon” or “Strangers in the night “ Ein in the world of Dr. Swing.

„I’ve got you under my skin“ sees Frankie Boys Lieblingssong gewesen, gestand Tom Gaebel en kehrte nach Ausflügen in Italian chanson and zu „Mack the knife“ in the classic core of the American Songbook zurück: „Ol’ man river“, Have a great time singing, enjoy your keyboard experience, and enjoy a great band finale. “That’s life” must intonate and exert power in the audience.

Singer Tom Gaebel is a great projection in the hints you see

Singer Tom Gaebel is grateful for his work Projection in the hints Reihen zu sehen | Image: Veronika Pantel

The audience sings with

After they had released “New York, New York”, it went to the first Zugabe, the King Louie song from the Dschungelbuch “Ich wäre wie du-hu-hu” to the big Publikum-Test in Sachen Scat-Singing. These files can be made longer and more compatible with the next “Schubidubidubi” with the perfect content.

It could be interesting


Altstadtfest sounds different: Bei den Holzhauern at Seetorplatz plays with the Narrenmusik

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If you have damage, besinnlichem with Sinatras “My way” and with the Zeile “And now the end is near” of the end of the war. „Ihr durft noch einmal die digital Flamme der Liebe einschalten“, empfahl Sänger Tom Gaebel und aus zahlreichen Handys schwenkten de Taschenlampen in de dunklen Himmel – punktgenau um 22 Uhr.

The Publikum Power with: A Handy-Lampen-Lichtermeer is about the Finale

The Publikum power with: A Handy-Lampen-Lichtermeer is the final | Image: Veronika Pantel