
“There are two stories in this city”

“There are two stories in this city”

Gerhard “Gerd” Zahner shoots no confrontations. The Criminal Defense Officer of Constance has worked, among other things, for Messerstecher and Drogenhändler ein. This is now a page of Zahner. Der 67-Jährige tritt auch als Autor von Kriminalromanen und Theaterstücken in Erscheinung.

Since 2007, 16 theater pieces have been produced. Der Inhalt is historical and not provocative. Nun brought Zahner to the stage with Johannes Stürner – seines Zeichens ebenfalls Jurist – the Sigmaringer Vichyzeit. If not, there is a Kapitel van de Stadtgeschichte that contains themes, the pair can move up a gear.

Vichy regime sees in Sigmaringer Schloss a

The History, for the interesting Zahner and Stürner, begins in the final phase of the Zweiten Weltkriegs. The German Kriegsniederlage disappeared on June 6, 1944 after the landing of the Alliance in Normandy. With the national socialists who collaborated with the Vichy regime during the Luft in France, the war was fought.

I followed the Vichy government in Franzosen in the autumn of 1944 in Sigmaringen – here in front of the Hotel Löwen.

I followed the Vichy government in Franzosen in the autumn of 1944 in Sigmaringen – here in front of the Hotel Löwen. (Photo: State Archives Sigmaringen)

The national socialists unite in a German economy. As a base for the exilregierung this is separated for the city Sigmaringen. The large Kreisstadt lies in the city in Friedrichshafen, where the same industry and the blieb of the bombings worst spared. Gleichzeitig verlieh das Schloss een gewissen representative Schein.

The first Vichy French arrive in Sigmaringen on September 8, 1944. Marshal Pétain and the rest of the regime are seen in Schloss Quartier. Make sure that the national socialists are the first family of Friedrich Viktor Fürst von Hohenzollern in protective custody and in the Schloss der Freiherren Schenk von Stauffenberg brought to Wilflingen.

The “Old Slaughterhouse” overlooks the relief

Genau 80 years of später found in Sigmaringer Schloss the Uraufführung des Theaterstücks „Sigmaringen-Triptychon“ statt. Auf ausdrücklichen Wunsch von Fürst Karl Friedrich von Hohenzollern, wie Zahner concrete.

Gerhard Zahner has written a theatre piece about the Sigmaring Vichy era together with Johannes Stürner. In the Portugiesische Galerie in the Schloss starts on 8 September.

Gerhard Zahner has written a theatre piece about the Sigmaring Vichy era together with Johannes Stürner. In the Portugiesische Galerie in the Schloss starts on 8 September. (Photo: OH)

There are two stories in this city.

Gerhard Zahner

Originally the piece should be fired in the old slaughterhouse. When you pull the plug from the socket, there is a spark of the cleanup, while you say Zahner. As Grund seien ihm terminliche Gründe is made. The old slaughterhouse is looking for a message on “Schwä” that does not look like the Gründen for the Absage.

Möglicherweise lies in the air supply. It’s true that things are going well. “We will be able to see three phases of history in three images,” says Zahner’s co-author Johannes Stürner.

Theater piece thematisiert Kriegsverbrechen

One of those images dealt with an episode of the Kriegsgeschichte, the black in Städten in Stuttgart was prepared to carry out gear work, in Sigmaringen bislang aber Tabuthema blieben ist: de Kriegsverbrechen der Franzosen beim Einzug in de Stadt.

On April 22, 1945, the Valin-Verband of the 1. Panzerdivision was appointed to General Antoine Béthouart Sigmaringen ein. The city is completely filled with French soldiers. One man can pull another man out of the damaged colony. The most of them are Moroccan.

This time punk has long lost most Vichy-Franzosen Sigmaringen. Einzelne Zurückgebliebene became von ihren Landsleuten erschossen. This is not the case.

In Sigmaringen, Mädchen and Frauen were disgusted

There are augzeugen, who report von Übergriffen, Ermordungen and Vergewaltigungen, says Zahner. A survey of material is available in the Sigmaringer Archive. “There are two stories in that city,” says the Anwalt and Autor, namlich die der Zeitzeugen and des Archivs.

Dieses Bild said Moroccan soldiers parading on the Leopoldplatz, vermutlich anlässlich of the visits of the Moroccan sultans in Sigmaringen on June 23, 1945.

Dieses Bild said Moroccan soldiers parading on the Leopoldplatz, vermutlich anlässlich of the visits of the Moroccan sultans in Sigmaringen on June 23, 1945. (Photo: OH)

The data you can read will be stopped by Ernst Weber, slow Kreisarchivar, dagegen. It is the treatise that the Franzosen have done, which have ended up in the undisputed Forschung. The Kriegsende in the Kreis Sigmaringen has its own book gewidmet.

Darin erwähnt Otto Becker, ehemaliger Leiter des Sigmaringer Staatsarchivs, in een Beitrag auch de Vergewaltigungen der Frauen in Sigmaringen – alldings beinahe beiläufig: ‘Am 25. April geschahen thannn auch the first Vergewaltigungen of Mädchen and Frauen, for all in the Randgebieten der Stadt. “While it was a passive activity, you are not supposed to do anything with it. If Quelle is in the Tagebuch of the Zeitzeugen Maximilian Schaitel, this is a Heimatforscher-arbeitete. Weitere Zeitzeugen dieser Gewaltigungen were reported in Beckers nicht genannt.

The Frauen have Schreckliches mitgemacht.

Ulrike Tyrs

It is clear that this is the first time that spelling has been done in the Schweigen brachen.

Ulrike Tyrs has taken one of his spoken and sich darüber mit Zahner in Zuge Seiner Recherchen for the play out of the closet. The long-standing SPD-Memeinderätin and Bürgermeisterstellvertreterin can often the Jahren französische Konversationskurse for the Bildungswerk Sigmaringen and. It has been years since a report has appeared on the content and a few hours later, reports this.

Zeitzeuginnen brechen first spät ihr Schweigen

Afterwards Journalists 2018 in Sigmaringen during Vichy-Zeit research hatten, started a Kursteilnehmerinnen of themselves, vom Einmarsch der Franzosen zu messages, so Tyrs. It is self-evident: “Those women are safe with their own hands.”

The women were considered as spiritual mind and their conscious attention.

Christoph Diem

On the French and in the sheltered streets the Zeitzeugen painted, while all the Moroccans plundered by the Sigmaringer Straßen to see sucked. Let your messages be there also come to reconciliation. If you notice the woman in the Krankenhaus, you can go a little further. It is a fact that Geburt is one of the founders of Franzosenkinder, says Tyrs.

Laut de Berichte der Zeitzeuginnen are in de Prinzengarten auch Erschießungen gegeben, in de Wäldern sei Jagd auf Mitglieder der Schutzstaffel (SS) und Sturmabteilung (SA) gemacht, give Tyrs the Berichte der Zeitzeuginnen wieder. The long-term gemeinderätin lasted several years, and mistakes in the form of protocols for paper were made.

Director will not ‘disrupt’

“The women were understood as enemies and explained to the beast”, said Christoph Diem. The director of Theaterstücks looks at the Vergewaltigung of women and the continuity of war conduct. This art of war break seems to be like all the time. Anyway, it is not possible to see in Ukraine-Krieg.

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If you notice a brand of your machine, see a Anreiz for Diem gewesen, wich other people in the österreichische Landestheater in Linz are inszenierte. The active Theaterstück-inszeniere is like Kammerspiel, erklärt Diem. Here you can live with Viola Neumann and Urs Fabian Winninger, who could also win renowned Schauspieler.

I am convinced that the work Zündstoff exists. Dennoch concretely states: “Disturb? That is not my way.” There is a friendly way to let the Neugier on the Piece at the Sigmaring grow, if the Reflex abzulehnen the material. Things have happened that the Kammerspiel evoked: “Mich interestesiert es maßlos, what with the Piece passed.”