
Weiter aufwärts am Aktienmarkt – Börse München

Weiter aufwärts am Aktienmarkt – Börse München

The German stock exchanges are in the passing of the week überwiegend Gewinne verzeichnet. The market-related war is so light and the most time of the Zurückhaltung der Anleger geprägt. These woolen for the Notenbank-Treffen in the American-American Jackson Hole at the end of the trading week would not entail any risks. Impulse can be a fact that a sentence cut will take place in the United States in September. The end of the trade war was better than Jerome Powell, the chef of the US-Notenbank Fed, when the signal went to a sentence cut. If the sentence cut of the Fed at the coming Ratssitzung under the market power as a power is gilded, everything is over the question, a moderate sentence cut of 0.25 percentage points or a larger amount of 0.5 basis point does not occur anymore.

Der Deutsche Aktienindex (Dax) has a value of 1.7 Prozent at 18,633.10 Punkte. The MDax puts 1.5 Prozent at 25,196.58 Zähler. The TecDax has been reduced to a minimum value of 0.1 Prozent auf 3,341.54 Punkte. Der m:access All-Share kam een ​​0.1 Prozent voran af 1,184.64 Zähler.

You can see how the TecDax works under the Cursor Verluste at Aixtron and Süss Microtec in Höhe von 9.1 beziehungsweise 10.5 Prozent bei. Both Chip Industry Austruster litten under Wachstumssorgen, which from planted Investment research into US-Chipkonzern Wolfspeed were aussed. I am MDax sucked the Title of Delivery Hero um 13.5 Prozent an, was the Essenslieferdienst and the Spitze der Wochengewinner brought.

The Kurse and the German Anleihemärkten have geschwankt in de vergangen Woche wie bereits in der Vorwoche in engen Grenzen. Who is the German Aktienmarken-enamored der Handel, has a small Strecken impulse arm, the Anleger, the niece in Urlaub were, warteten das Notenbankentreffen in Jackson Hole ab. The German kitchen of the Fed Chefs prefers to be aware of the notifications from the Federal Papers. Die Rendite der zehnjährigen Bundesanleihe went in Wochenvergleich von 2.24 op 2.22 Prozent zurück. The overall price was 2.25 to 2.26 per day.

The US stock exchanges have closed in the passage of a brand in Plus. All this ensures that all the business of Fed Chief Powell comes to an end in the trading week for a German Schub. The Dow Jones index remained at an average of 1.3 percent at 41,175.08 points. The S&P-500 has a value of 1.4 percent at 5,634.61 points. The Nasdaq-100 has a value of 1.1 percent at 19,720.87 points.


The Fed’s investments during the European Central Bank (EZB) can bring the German stock exchanges issued by the bank into the market. While a sentence in the US in September after the election of Fed chief Jerome Powell was considered gilded, he had to keep clicking the button on the new EZB to see all the new inflation figures and eight-fold inflation in Germany. Lastly, the pressure on the EZB had suddenly fallen sharply, in September its Leitzins could continue to sink, rise. If you are active, you should put the Ifo business climate index under the focus. Then the consumer prices from Germany and the Eurozone dare to flood the speculation over the new EZB blocks.

If you find one of the most important points in the list, it is one of the highest terminologies on the agenda, which you can use to view the remarkable Auswirkungen: the Mitwoch is luminous after viewing Nvidia on the Zahlen. The previous part of the Bereich-Künstliche Intelligenz had a separate character before the Boom of Technologiewerten, before his zum zwischenzeitlichen Kurseinbruch got war. This is an important source of information, and the Zahlen of Nvidia has the potential, the technology and another kind of technology to create noticeable side effects. Here are the legends in the coming days still some few entities from the second and written series of books as Delivery Hero in his quarterly reports.

Ausgewählte wichtige Termine der Woche

Montag, 26.08.: Ifo-Geschäftsklimaindex (Germany); Auftragseingänge für longlegrote Güter in USA; Dallas Fed Recovery Index (US)
Dienstag, 27.08.: Bruttoinlandsprodukt Deutschlands; GfK-Verbrauchervertrauen (Germany); Verbrauchertrauen in the USA
Donnerstag, 29.08.: Verbraucherpreise in Germany; Geschäftsklima in the Eurozone; Verbrauchertrauen in the eurozone; Gross domestic product of the USA; Personal life in the USA
Freitag, 30.08.: Einzelhandelsumsätze in Germany; Labor Loss for Germany; Erzeugerpreise in Germany; Verbraucher Prize in the Eurozone; Persönliche Einkommen und Ausgaben in de USA; Chicagoer Einkaufsmanagerindex (US); Verbrauchervertrauen der Universität Michigan (USA); Inflation wartungen der Verbraucher in de USA

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