
Micha thinks I’m big on November 1st –

The feature film «Micha thinks big» with Charly Hübner came out in German cinemas on August 22.

The First Day of All Saints’ Day, November 1, 2024, auf «Micha thinks big»The feature film will be available Friday at 8:15 p.m., on August 22, 2024 in German Kinos. Production will take place in the ARD Mediathek on October 30, 2024. The leading roles are played by Charly Hübner, Jördis Triebel, Ulrich Brandhoff, Peter Kurth and Natalia Rudiziewcz.

It is a heißer, trockener summer in Klein-Schappleben. Self-made-Unternehmer Micha (Charly Hübner) lives in Berlin in the small village of Kindheit nach Sachsen-Anhalt zurück. I have an idea of ​​the game designer, more than that, a vision! In the Maroden, Hotel Eltern is a luxury hotel with wellness oasis for stressed big cities and big cities. The Zerstrittene Dorfgemeinschaft is skeptical, completely Michas Schulfreundin Tina (Jördis Triebel) and his partner Jenny (Natalia Rudziewicz) glauben and Michas ehrgeizige Pläne. If the Grundwasser version and the goose village are located on the Trockenen, the Bewohnerinnen and Bewohner must learn that the future of Klein-Schappleben is now no communal figure.

“In the fiction it is perhaps, Sachen, who is now in the Hinterköpfen-stattfinden, becomes real Lassen”, said Charly Hübner. ‘So it is one of the films that exists, after thinking, the horizon of thought, it was a human flight, when there was another one started, with the previous one, that is not even inexplicable. A natural country is an indispensable Lebenswelten, if a man lives in a big city in Berlin, Hamburg or Cologne or in one of his einsamen and regional speziell-extensive services in Saxony-Anhalt or Rhineland-Palatinate or Baden or South Thuringia. A natural fact that man was with them, was no more, and not with them, was in the middle or the time so erfafiren.“

Jan Georg Schütte said: “As my voyage of discovery becomes more and more people, there is political information about the question on the Internet. Scientific recognitions have no chance. So a figure who was included in the film, and had a theme, was erased in an indefinite way. It is a war that is not so exciting, but this figure does not come from the East Germany.”