
“Hof der Hoffnung” in Landsberg opening net

“Hof der Hoffnung” in Landsberg opening net

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“Hof der Hoffnung” in Landsberg opening net
Live together in the Kloster der Dominikanerinnen (from the left): Schwester Gina, Vize-Priorin Antonia Müller, Fazenda-Leitung Kleberson and Carla Jasper with the children, Ehrenamtliche Cristina Nascimento, Priorin Michaela Kohler and Schwester Ulrike Hartl. © Jasper

“Every life has hope” is the slogan of the sogenante Fazenda da Esperança. If you find the Hof der Hoffnung, you will find people with such problems or critical air and learning problems that you can find. A man who continues in Landsberg those years will begin the first years of his life.

Landsberg – 1979 in Südbrasilien: A young Frenchman from Germany lives with the Christian community who die Worte des Evangeliums. In groups that take jewels from the Bible, a reinforcement, who can use the wort-gottes for the Alltag. Nelson Giovanelli war in Besucher der Gruppe. There is often a Straßenecke-vorbei, die Jugendliche Drogen nahmen. It has been learned that you know it and want to understand it. A Monate später went one of the Jugendlichen on Nelson zu: „I stop es nicht more than zuzusehen, wie meine Mutter weint. I will come out of the Dry, but don’t leave alone. I am brauche jemanden, der 24 Stunden und meiner Seite ist. Nimm mich mit, wohin du willst.“ Daraufhin nahm Nelson ihn met zum Pfarrer and he started with the Wort Gottes konkret umzusetzen. Oder schlossen sich seinem weg und bewar durch des Esperança-fazenda in den 1983.

Fazenda da Esperança in Landsberg eröffnet: Nur ein Hof in Bayern

Mittlerweile gibt es die, Höfe der Hoffnung’ nicht mehr nur in Südbrasilien, under de geese Welt. In Germany it is true that Fazendas (siehe Infokasten), in Bayern it is true that Frühsommer is so least: At the end of June there is the Landsberger Frauenfazenda in the Kloster der Dominikanerinnen and the Münchener Straße. “My family and I enjoy being here,” explains Carla Jasper, Leiterin der Landsberger Fazenda und Mitglied der Gemeinschaft „Familie der Hoffnung“. It is a Catholic-spiritual community that leads the Fazendas on the goose world. “The whole family of the family has a tragedy in its homeland,” Jasper explains. Your family will eat for a Fazenda in Brandenburg. “You can live here, you will be able to enjoy the Fazenda.” It is not the case that Leute, it is a fact that Leben zu leben – deswegen be in Deutschland auch nur sechs Fazendas.

This ‘Höfe der Hoffnung’ is a person who is free from such a woolly event. “With us it is not, however, who is in a clinic – we also see what is in the soul of the people”, Jasper explains. This team – and so it is in other Fazenda – is the second part of the family of the family also working in the family. “I had a Brazilian experience, which started in April. In September two more come.” Often the volunteer people are themselves placed in a Fazenda and want to continue – “give themselves up, so we say.”

Fazenda LL
The Fazenda da Esperança can be found in the Kloster der Dominikanerinnen and the Münchener Straße Platz. © Jasper

During this period, the Fazendas were an organization for young people with drying problems. Jetzt, voor allem nach Corona, is een enormous amount of depressions, depressions or essays and films, with the lives of such nice people. “It is not even an Ort for Drogenabhängige, sondern für all, die Hoffnung brauchen.” Das weiß Jasper, nicht nur von ihrer Erfahrung als Fazenda-Leiterin. If you have a court of the hofnung, take a look at the following. “I am not my own person, but I am still alive.” Schon vor ihren Besuch war is ehrenamtlich in de Fazenda-tätig und Mitglied in der, Familie der Hoffnung’. Heute since si und Mann Kleberson both Mitglieder and the Leiter der Fazenda in Landsberg.

This is a matter of life, as one of the schwesterners of the Dominican monastery. If you have years of enjoyment of the family of the family of the family, a Fazenda in the monastery will be just as good as the leadership of the monastery goes all over the world and the spirituality of the Gebäudes erhalten können. Make sure that the family of the Hoffnung is no longer personal. If you contact the Schwestern, it is a more intensive world, which absorbs the Niederlassung in Brandenburg and looks at Landsberg.

About expenses

The Angebot der,Höfe der Hoffnung’ focuses on all from 15 years – roads of Schulpflicht, erklärt Jasper. If you see the human being here, this is an evil bet. Who also finances themselves as a solution? “Empfangen die Bewohner Sozialleistungen, were dese auch für die Fazenda genutzt”, Jasper explains. “Man lives here for a year, that’s an egg.” Gibt is a pleasure Zimmer in the Gebäude, können auch Firmungsgruppen or other übernachten – a more Einnahmequelle. Manchmal buy de Bewohner auch Produkte, die selbst auf dem Hof ​​​​or repair a Café in the Gelände. The rest of the available budgets can spend more money or undertake other activities.

If a person lives in the Hof der Hoffnung, it is a matter of talking and a short letter: Darin must die Person ihre Gesichte erzählen – and that problem, that is what. There is a person with a mental illness, who must be a separate person, who sees the patient for his life in the Hof der Hoffnung. Should residents regularly go to the doctor, Jasper comes to him.

There is a drug therapy that is a help at the Hof van de Hoffnung, with Jasper from the Experience. The heaviest dabei: The affected müssen are woolen. “It is the first time that we have a life with us.” Come with a person voluntarily to Fazenda, can undergo the therapy, even if it is difficult. If you are on the road, it is in the Fazenda reseller neither Alcohol nor Cigarettes, Handys, Fernsehen or Internet gibt, wobei “the view on Cigarettes at the heaviest ist”, with Jasper.

With compensation

The key to a re-ordered life is in the Fazendas the so-called Recuperation (lat. to win/find oneself again). The therapeutic basis of three therapies: It is possible that the process of the self-study process is carried out and a part of the beige way of life is dissolved. If you are in the community, it is important that the residents experience value assessment and self-esteem and is “an instrument for recovery and change of value is”. A spiritual life, in the Gospel with moral and moral principles, serves as a signpost.

The three steps were carried out during a strictly routine work. If you have chosen the following “involvement”, you will be helped and then read the Gospel of the Days. “There we choose a moment from which we will accompany the day”. Then follows the work, then the midday break, before the work is repeated on the next midday. Follow the Resümee: “Is it possible to live the moment from the Gospel?”

Black is the Fazendas a Catholic Einrichtung, “Aber we follow other Konfessionen auf.” If you do not eat something, you are in Ordnung, trotzdem sollen all Bewohner bei the community Zeiten dabei sein. “It is not our Soul, you are the Catholic Church. Aber lieben and etwas for other tune – that’s possible.”

If the first Bewohner on the Landsberger, Hof der Hoffnung’ is a fact, it cannot be a celebration. “We will be happy with our candidates, but we will never be able to come to Brazil,” so Jasper abschließend. After making plans, Jasper can go to the Frauen een Platz in Landsberg.

Farms in Germany

In all of Germany it is now Fazendas – four for men, two for women. The men’s fazendas are in Havelland, Allgäu, in the Lower Rhine and in the Middle Rhine Valley. The “Höfe der Hoffnung” for women is in the Sauerland and goes diesem Frühsommer in Landsberg.