
15 years after she felt Teresa Enke put an end to the “gut”

15 years after she felt Teresa Enke put an end to the “gut”

15 Years after the Tod des Fußballers

Teresa Enke: “Robert can signal. Er darf signal.”


15 years after Robert Enkes Tod: So it’s Teresa Enke heute

by Sauna Book and Marigona Sulejmani

Ex-National Torwart Robert Enke (†32) had turned 47 at Samstag.

The Kapitän von Hannover 96 was born on November 10, 2009. There are few depressions. Seither kämpft seine Witwe Teresa Enke (48) for Aufklärung. We live with our new lives – 15 years after our men – spoken.

Teresa Enke is a niece of Robert Enkes Geburtstag

From August 23 to 25, Teresa Enke is now Robert Enke’s Geburtstag, among the 15th best of the Robert-Enke-Stiftung. To honor ‘Robbi’, while Teresa would no longer want to enjoy her life, together with the foundation, the ‘Mental Health Days’ in Hannover, a Veranstaltungsreihe zum Thema Depressionen. “I frown on the modern day. 15 years ago, it could happen that Robbis Geburtstag is natural, there is an end to it.

Iese-Tipp: KYour Krömer has suffered a price during depressions

Teresa Enke: “I am very happy”

“A war that started not so long ago is a fact that it is a Schwermut-mitschwing. We wear wollen eben einen besonderen Tag haben. Of course, neither on August 24 of the Geburtstag nor on the Samstag did a division arise. I am very happy, we will have such a great commitment to Robbi’s life that we can continue to work with it,” said Teresa in an RTL interview.


In glücklichen Zeiten: Robert and Teresa Enke

image sports photo service, image/Kaletta, image sports photo service

The 48 years will have a problem, glücklich and irgendwie unglaublich welding. Kein Wunder. Schließlich hat ich in ihrem Leben veld changes: „I am in a happy life, but still have a good life. Mir Geht’s belly. A proud person: Robert is always an independent person, in his heart and gratitude: “Robert can say. There’s something. The foundation assumes that it is the backbone. It is a tolles Gefühl. It is not self-intelligible. When we have all the damn intestines, we will have all the woolen Gleiche. Wir wollen die Krankheit Depression enttabuiieren. And that is erasing my Child,” Teresa stated clearly.


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Robert Enke fragged Teresa damals: “Warum jetzt?”

A work, it would be that it went wrong. For the Teresa continues camping and it is a crime that her camps pay. Then in the last years hat herself, so Teresa, “extremely much changed.” They know: “We speak there. It is a fact that a person does not know a prominent person or an expert person in the open. One of the things that has happened is that the journalists have become more serious. There are many problems and there are many people who are worried about a depression hat. The environment has become much more serious and relaxed.” If the Zweifach-Mama all goes like this, this Illness is sensitive. It comes very suddenly. So war is with Robert: “Robbis Depression came to its peak. There is war Nationaltorhüter. We adopted Leila. Everything is sweet and in a way that is madness. Under er sagte nog zu mir ‘Warum jetzt?’ Men’s hat is a real influence. Usually, if a man has a plain hat, if he has a blind hat. That’s how it is. Man can not make and that must in the Head of Manschen!”

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