
Lufthansa-Tochter – Streik bij Discover: Diese Rechte haben Flugreisende – Reise

Lufthansa-Tochter – Streik bij Discover: Diese Rechte haben Flugreisende – Reise

Kehl/Berlin (dpa/tmn) – Discover Airlines allows holidaymakers to fly from day to day, including crashes and accidents. Pilots and personal cabins of holiday flyers are equipped with cockpits and UFOs that evoke a quadruple caress. What rights are affected during your trip? Answers to important fragments.

Welche Auswirkungen drhen Reisenden?

Expenses are made after the work has been carried out on the Lufthansa-Tochter of the German Flughäfen. Travel to the flight status of your flight: Go to the Lufthansa website at

Der 2021 gegründete Ferienflieger Discover Airlines started with 27 Flights from Munich and Frankfurt to various Urlaubszielen in Europe and Übersee.

Was gold-gilding a major diversion and short-lived cancellation?

If there are long-term Flughafen problems, the Fluggastrechteportal Flightright can get an answer to a Versorgung – sprich, de Airline-muss Getränke, Mahlzeiten, Telefonate sowie Hotelübernachtungen zur Verfügung stel beziehungsweise ermöglichen.

Since the flight itself is a more enjoyable experience or falls, you can also request a ticket price. As an alternative to the Rückerstattung des Original-Tickets, you can make a trip with a cost-saving desire.

Entscheiden Reisende sich für die Ersatzbeförderung, muss de Fluggesellschaft these schnellstmöglich organisieren – also etwa Über-Eck-Verbindungen prüfen. If there is an alternative flight, the airline must look at another flight. “There is no need for additional resources,” writes the Europäische Verbraucherzentrum Deutschland (EVZ).

What is also important is that the airline goes directly to the airport and does some of the EVZ flights. Then you can find the best travel destinations, and go to a hotel or a possible return flight. Important: The departures, if possible, must be confirmed in writing.

The airline did not respond – was this?

If the airline does not offer an alternative alternative, the EVZ can book a flight and deduct the costs. If a man from the airline first makes a first choice, there is a purchase order. If the time is long, hang up the time, who is not able to cool the plants, attention is paid to the consumer centers. Erfährt man zum Beispiel first at the Flughafen of the Cancellation, few hours can Reichen. Perform the first time you take a flight at the airline, you can make a trip yourself and put that in the Rechnung.

Gilded gold, when the airline is on the beach, she has no more connection with the Mahlzeiten – etwa in Formulier of Restaurant-Gutscheinen – sorgt. You can then make a trip with self-cooking and the costs you leave behind in making machines. Anyway, the EVZ has received all the reviews.

There are problems with the costs that can arise when the journey turns another form of lighting system. The EVZ hat is an overview made online. Provision, one of the eligibility requirements subsections: As a rule, travelers must have expected, themselves directly with the provider to end.

About us: If there is an interruption, there may be flug problems and the trip may lead to a fall that is still not right.

What is the difference with the Entschädigungen?

Fair trade is a matter of the Streiks of Airline-Personals, who have no other solution. With the option “Können Flugreisende bei kurzfristigen Annullierungen and großen Verspätungen einen Anspruchuch auf Entschädigung von 250 Euro to 600 Euro getend machen”, writes the Fluggastrechteportal Flightright. When the big changes happen, you can make a supporting move with confidence.

The height of the Entschädigung depends on the EU-Fluggastrechte-Verordnung von der Flugstrecke ab – unterschieden wird zwischischen Kurzstreckenflügen (up to 1,500 Kilometers), Mittelstreckenflügen (up to 3,500 Kilometers) and Langstreckenflügen (more than 3,500 Kilometers).

In general, you should know: the answer to the bet is a request or calculation of the ticket cost that you can pay in the fall and not hang up anymore, while you are making a trip to another trip.

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