
5 Simple Reviews for the Credible Delicacies

5 Simple Reviews for the Credible Delicacies

If you are Brot, you have bad taste and Zucker would come with drinks. If you want, who you want, you can make a quick and fast backup!

Baking healthy bread – These tips make it healthy and tasty!

Was the beauty a self-chosen bread from the often zu holen? It is no longer for the moneybag, if it is good. You can take the trouble with those recipes or additional sugar, with healthy sustenances such as haferflocken or quark, very low-calorie self-baking. And with those tips it will be a great experience when you come back. If you have all the information, you can use the kitchen and the backup. And: The recipe for a haferflockenbrot with quark helps you when you take it out. Here you will find all the information about the preparation.

Selber Brot backen can be purchased – Fertigbrote mit Zucker & Zusatzstoffen

Do you want to make a backup brother, who will not come back? Then you can buy a product. It is an industry that is increasingly common, but often Zucker (and certain Zuckerersatz) are affected. Use the substance with mono- and diglyceride of speisefettsäuren and modified stärke. If you make it clear that in the industry the time does not last so long, this will take a long time. Da muss es schnell gehen ende all gleich schmecken. Also: “Support your local Backstube” or mach es einfach yourself!

Gesundes Brot selber backen – so geht’s

Frisches Brot can be a bit self-reliant and never have trouble cooking again. Mehl, Wasser, Hefe, een Few Leckere Körner nach deinem Geschmack. Selbstgebackenes Brot ist nicht nur fresh en lecker, it is often a better treat, weil du keine ungesunden Zusatzstoffe in Kauf nehmen must.

It is gilded in the oven for the credible Toastbrot.

Tip: Please note that you can best take care of the temperature of the refrigerator, it is perfect of course in a brotkast. If you do not want paper anymore, it is a question of paper. Nur please keine Plastiktüte!

In Clip: This Bread Variety Helps With Intestinal Problems

Healthy bread with a generous base

Backing with hefe is not so hard. It is a bit of a problem when you stop looking for a solution. Then it is no longer safe and a brot is a safe and a castle in the air.

  • Preparation time 15 min
  • Duration 50 min
  • Total time 65 min


10 grams

fresh Hefe

450 ml

Water – lukewarm

600 grams

Dinkelmehl – Type 630

15 grams


10 grams



  1. Step 1 / 4

    You will notice that the Hefe will crackle in low-noise water and will cool down well until it is dissolved. If you pull the plug from the socket, it will be a little green with a wooden spoon, while you are not holding the piece. Then place the piece covered over the night in the refrigerator.

  2. Step 2 / 4

    When the Teig is in the back, place a Gusseisen-Topf in the back and heat it to 250°C upper and lower heat. If you no longer want top quality, you can use a topping or another used form – if you are no longer gratinated with potato gratin.

  3. Step 3 / 4

    Stürze the Teig on a bemehltes Stück Backpaper, have the Backpaper and the Seiten hoch and falte is zu een pagina, damit sich der Teig ainfaltet. Wiederhole das Ganze auch für die other pagina en gib den Teig dann mit dem Backpaper zammen in de voorheizten Topf.

  4. Step 4 / 4

    Place the Topf with the cover on the gentle slope in the forward movement and back in 30 minutes. Then the temperature is lowered to 200 degrees and the cover is heated. Back the cover for another 20 minutes.

Gesundes Brot ohne Hefe backen

This bread is healthy, tasty and sooo fruitful. It is a stunde on the table.

Preparation time: 10 minutes. * Delivery time: 50 minutes. * Gesamtzeit: 60 Min.


220 grams

Rye wholemeal flour

130 grams

White flour

1 EL


1 tsp


115 grams

Körner or Nüsse deiner Wahl (zB Sesam, Mohn, Mandeln or Kürbiskerne)

1 EL


360 ml

Sprudelwasser or Leitungswasser

1 EL

Oat flakes

1 tsp



  1. Step 1 / 2

    Heize den Ofen at 200°C Upper/Unterhitze vor. In a large Schüssel solltest du Mehl, Backpulver, Salz, Körner und Nüsse vermischen. Gib Apfelessig and Sprudelwasser did everything with a Löffel on a nassen Teig (the Brot sparrow is not cracked).

  2. Step 2 / 2

    Streiche a cupboard shape of 25 cm with a whole and complete shape in the shape. You can optionally work with Haferflocken-bestreuen. Back to the story for 50 minutes in Ofen. Lasse is ready for 5 minutes of reading time, but it is still a matter of form and reading is complete before you are able to open it.

That fits perfectly with your own self-supporting Brot:

Sauerkraut bread

Before the acid dries up a bit, it's a taste: it wasn't that bad.
Before the acid dries up a bit, it’s a taste: it wasn’t that bad.© Grafvision –

If we keep the sauce of the sour, it is so complicated that the Ganze is ready. If this recipe is, it is light, fast and absolutely suitable for increasing the capacity.

Preparation time: 15 minutes. * Delivery time: 50 minutes. * Gesamtzeit: 65 Min.


400 grams

Wheat flour type 405

200 grams

Ray Mehl Type 1150

85 grams

Sauerkraut Starter

360 ml

Water lukewarm, sea bass

10 grams



  1. Step 1 / 5

    Mische das Weizenmehl und Roggenmehl in een large Schüssel. Gib lukewarm Wasser, zerbröckelten Sauerteig starter and Salz hinzu and knete everything etwa 10 Minuten, bis der Teig glatt and gleichmäßig ist.

  2. Step 2 / 5

    Cover the skewer with a damp cloth and let it sit at room temperature for 5 hours.

  3. Step 3 / 5

    If you expose the teigkugel in a light way, there will be a mistake in a male male. See the part if you use it and can no longer use it if you live together. Form a smooth Kugel and put it in a gut or with the pulled out backing paper. If you do not feel like it, you can make a schüssel with a tuch-leging.

  4. Step 4/5

    Lasse das Brot noch einmal abgedeckt 5-7 Stunden gehen. Heize the oven and enjoy the top temperature inclusively at 250°C. Sturze the Teigkugel intertwined with the paper or you can see it with the backing paper.

  5. Step 5 / 5

    Bake the bread for 10 minutes with the lid. Lower the temperature to 210 °C and continue for 20 minutes. Then put the lid on and bake the bread for another 15-20 minutes, if it goes that well, it is no longer the case that Klopfen hangs high.

With diesem Aufstrich Schmeckt’s noch besser:

Gesundes Brot mit Haferflocken

Oat flakes are so healthy, that the man has his own identity, it is essential. Haut, Haare, deine Verdauung – actually profitable your entire body then.

Preparation time: 15 minutes. * Delivery time: 50 minutes. * Gesamtzeit: 65 Min.


500 grams

Low fat cottage cheese

500 grams

crispy oat flakes

1 tsp




2 Packs





  1. Step 1 / 3

    Den Backofen at 180° C (Umluft) voorheizen. Zunächst den Apfel reiben. Then the egg with a Schneebesen was aufschlagen, Quark and geriebenen Apfel untermischen.

  2. Step 2 / 3

    Once you have found the Haferflocken, the Backpulver and the Salz are ready and you know everything about a Teig.

  3. Step 3 / 3

    A box shape with backing paper pulled out. The Teig is filled and 50 minutes back.

Pimpe dein Brot met dieser Köstlichkeit auf:

Gesundes Brot mit Körnern, Nüssen und Samen

Article Image Media
© pbd Studio –

This sorting comes from some of the time and that of the brothers can be essential, if you come in eighth place, it can be that there is a lot of carbohydrate in your body. When it is time to drink and cook, a lot of energy is generated.

Preparation time: 15 minutes. * Delivery time: 55 minutes. * Gesamtzeit: 70 Min.


50 grams


100 ml


70 grams

Sunflower seeds

80 glasses

Quartz core

100 grams


80 grams


100 grams


140 grams


50 grams

Pine cores

2 TL


200 grams

Low fat cottage cheese

2 EL





  1. Step 1 / 3

    Make sure to pour the Chia-Samen in a 100 ml water etwa for a steaming weld. At the end of the time, the back of the back can be shaped at 180 degrees, the best is a box shape, which has ended a little.

  2. Step 2 / 3

    Then you simply put your dry ingredients in a large bowl. You can of course vary the kitchen, which offers a variety of possibilities. Only the relationship should be unfavorable.

  3. Step 3 / 3

    If you discover the Magerquark, the eggs and the best of all you can do and give the effort to use the trockenen. Alles gut unterrühren.

Tip: Bleibt was von deinem leckeren Brot, frierst you am best direkt nach dem Backen ein. If you work best in Scheiben, you can bake a Scheiben in the Toaster.

These steps are no longer performed Immuno boost to your healthy breads: