
++ Info-Date am Mittag, 26.08.24: Scholz in Solingen ++

++ Info-Date am Mittag, 26.08.24: Scholz in Solingen ++

Bundeskanzler Olaf Scholz (SPD) is the best Messerattenat nach Solingen. Dort Kündigte is a purebred version of Waffenrechts and. The first theme at the Info-Date am Mittag.

For the Bundeskanzler it is important that the Waffenrecht is especially included by the Messer. It is good to “drum up other things, which had to be arranged”, Scholz said. “That should and that will now also be passed very quickly.” If you want to make a new arrangement, you have to submit an asylum application to complete it.

Bundeskanzler has carried out a Messerattacke

Scientifically speaking, the best thing about the bluttat is for the man from Syria who has a power, so he has the chance to make it disappear. “If all this is the case, we will be happy, we will not be happy in our own country,” said the Bundeskanzler. Daraus ergebe sich auch ein Auftrag an die Politik: “Alles, was in unserer Macht, in unseren Möglichkeiten liegt, must also be taken.”


The RLP Minister Michael Ebling (SPD) spoke about the Anschlag in Solingen in favor of a schärferes Waffenrecht.

Debate after Messeranschlag in Solingen
RLP Interior Minister Ebling for Waffenrecht schärferes

After the fear from Solingen has been resolved, asylum and security rules will be scrapped. RLP Internal Minister Ebling spoke about the other for a new Waffenrecht law.

Familiengrundschulzentren gehen in Ludwigshafen an den Start

In Rheinland-Pfalz the Schule wieder has started after the summer holidays. A four Grundschulen in Ludwigshafen have Land and Stadt Familiengrundschulzentren eingerichtet. They are all in the city with high migration-hilfestellung beets.

The biggest reward is that the child is in the hole with the boat. Zentrale Anlaufstelle is the “Elterncafé” for the Eltern der Erstklässler. Dort sollen Questions were answered. In Vergaanheit, the Kommunikatie der Lehrer met de Eltern is often a number of well-known sayings.


Erster Schultag after the summer holidays at a Grundschule in Mainz

Viele Neuerungen zum Schulstart
Schule starting in RLP with more Schülern and lagen Erstklässlern

In Rhineland-Palatinate, hats off to 548,000 young children and young children. It will take more than 10,000 hours if I destroy Schuljahr.