
Lungenkrebs: Erster Patient in England erhält Biontech-Impfung

Lungenkrebs: Erster Patient in England erhält Biontech-Impfung


Biontech therapyPremiere: Janusz erhält Impfung gegen Lungenkrebs

First time when Janusz Racz’s Lungenkrebs festestellt. Non-hat is the first human in Great Britain and the Lungenkrebsimpfstoff von Biontech erhalten.

Compensation Anabelle Riebeling

The diagnosis Lung cancer that Janusz Racz only got through accident. It is not so long ago that something is wrong, but it can prevent an asthma symptom. The tumor in his right lung was first discovered on May 1st by a virtual intestinal mirror (colon image). Then everything went very quickly: Following the diagnosis follows chemotherapy and radiation therapy. Carrying out the quarterly work is a fact when the people of the Impulse have the Lung cancer from Biontech.

Mögliche Lungenkrebs symptom

Follow the symptoms and descriptions of Anzeichen für Lungenkrebs sein:

  • and have a great time during your stay, with the best treatment possible

  • a best hand Husten changes itself in many ways

  • Atemnot in Ruhe or bei lighter Tätigkeit

  • Screams in the chest basket

  • Elaborate with or without blood

  • unwool weight loss

Was this an impurity?

With the IMPFSTOFF BNT116 it deals with the Covid-19 IMPFSTOFFS from Biontech/Pfizer and Moderna with an mRNA IMPFSTOFF. There is a treatment with non-Kleinzelligem-Lung Krebs (NSCLC) which has the best form of lung Krebs. BNT116 is the immune system that recognizes and converts the tumor markers. Otherwise, if the consequences of chemotherapy occur with chemotherapy, problems can occur.

So sweet that the premiere continues ab – and so on

Anyone who has seen British media reports of the 67-year-old Racz at the National Institute for Health Research (UCLH) Clinical Research Facility has a number of other injections in the form of five minutes over a period of 30 minutes. Jede Impfung has discovered an uninteresting RNA sequence. There is an impfstoff function that Weeks long every week and then 54 weeks long all three weeks erhalten.

So Racz came to the rescue

The impfung takes place in the clinical study, which has started in these countries: in Great Britain, the USA, Germany, Ungarn, Poland, Spain and Turkey. In the first test phase, 130 patients – in the Frühstadium before the operation or the Strahlentherapie – in their reinforced Krankheitsstadion or wiederkehrendem Krebs – were carried out in the study, an impfung that is so good for the immunotherapy that exists.

The impf candidates got Krebs. Was soll das Impfen brought?

“With these kinds of cases, treatment for Krebs is being done, whereas the lung patients often come to have Krebs treatment, after surgery and best treatment,” said Siow Ming Lee, medical advisor at University College London Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust (UCLH), the affiliated news agency PA. There is a lead study in the United Kingdom.

The explanation is lonely: “Man can remove the antigen in the Krebszelle and then angreifen.” This technology is the largest phase of credit processing. “We can continue to work with Phase 2 and Phase 3 and the method will then become a treatment standard and many pulmonary patients will live happily ever after.”

Darum nimmt Racz an der Impfstoff-Testreihe teil

The common poles are different from the environment for their studies – scientific, medical and sporting: they are self-conscious and knowledgeable, that is, the strength of their knowledge – especially in the medical field – there lies, that people are prepared since, an solchen Untersuchungen teilzunehmen». Others are convinced that they can solve their debts and thus extend their term. The chemotherapy and radiation therapy have a high chance of a 35-year chance, which lasts for another year.

When you see Racz, it is an abschluss blessing vessel with which you can start the runs and how your life can last: the London Marathon is free.

In November, Biontech chief Ugur Sahin, speaking to the «Bild am Sonntag», revealed that the individualization of the mRNA-based impurity substance for cancer control is available by the year 2030.

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