
Miriam Neureuthers Tochter Lotta is a “glückliches Mädchen”

Miriam Neureuthers Tochter Lotta is a “glückliches Mädchen”

Felix (40) and Miriam Neureuther (34) are convinced that their desire to have children comes from thin air. If you want to have a little bit of food in your family day, you can also enjoy it. Work on the Neureuthers in their holiday in Norway – without Zufall, while Miriams Wurzeln mütterlicherseits lie in the Scandinavian Country. The 34-year-old age covers the German citizenship.

Miriam and Felix Neureuther tell Urlaubsmomente

First Felix got a few pictures of the nice family photos and now his wife Miriam goes home. You see a light video of Nesthäkchen Lotta, the mittlerweile zwei Jahre alt ist. The small steps that are taken by the Matsch, and Miriam comes liebevoll, that Lotta is a “Happy Girl”, a “glückliches Mädchen” is. Then it was noticeable: The little Maus has grown up. With blond hair, the Miriam in her short hair with a nice hat, looks a bit. Only the outfit is not perfect for the Matsch: “Eventuell wären Rubberstiefel but die better wahl gewesen”, tezelt Miriam under the Post.

Next to little Lotta also hear Matilda (6) and Leo (4) from the Neureuther family. There are children who play the family with the most likely winter sports traumas.

The niedlichen Aufnahmen von Neureuther-Nesthäkchen Lotta said with euch im Video oben.

Miriam Neureuthers “Haushaltshilfe” sorts for Lacher

Let Miriam experience a merry family moment in her follower. So when a nanny takes a look, mom is washing the laundry by hand. With more or less big success. The ex-biathlete posted ergebnis on Instagram. It’s pure chaos. But Miriam loves humor and writes through her “Thanks for nothing”. The white display can be shown in a video.