
Der Biloge, der die Linke will retten – Politik

Der Biloge, der die Linke will retten – Politik

I am politically engaged in acquiring jobs and acquiring jobs – and then still be a solution, that mancher is not going to work. Participation of the Left to the Beispiel, which is in the low lane, is the first time that man has difficulty with that. Jan van Aken will do that – and while the number of the objectors is sparse for a while, a few days, that is a party day in October in Halle, a work that the Spitze-zegenparty is desired. There is something that is certain, that Left is “wiederbelebbar”, says van Aken. “So I would not do that.”

Jan van Aken, 63 years old, born in Reinbek near Hamburg, said that he had a bislang in his life, not dependent on: Nach dem Abbitur studied biology and was involved in the protest against the Endlager in Gorleben. There is a doctorate and arbitration in the Anschluss for Greenpeace – the Schwerpunkt war Genetic engineering in agriculture. War against the NGO “Sunshine Project”, which is concerned with his biological weapons, and erasure of the Mitarbeiter at the Uni Hamburg. From 2004 to 2006, the inspector for the bioweapons was called upon for the UN – then there is a connection with the Left. Für die Partei is from 2009 to 2017 in the German Bundestag. And now? The Left is part of existence. Not. Years of internal efforts have led the part of the enterprise and the Wähler-vertrieben: Schon the young Bundestagswahl the Linke the Fünf-Perzent-Hürde and only solicited a larger direct mandate again in the Bundestag then also. In the Europawahlen in the Frühjahr the link is only 2.7 Percent of the votes. It is a fact that the absolute certainty in the absolute political policy is no longer emphasized. But Jan van Aken says that the Sache can still dream.

Pazifismus? Yes, there is no longer any accountability

There is a small road called “Totengräber” for the Party, in the Gegenteil. If eight have appeared at the next Bundestagswahl for the Linke on your autumn drin, er said. Whoever does that, it will be most of all: Van Aken, if he notices the Partei inhaltlicht, will consider social and social issues as central themes. “I have learned from Greenpeace: Man can now win, if man does everything in a single-minded manner,” said Van Aken, the leader of the German Nachrichten-Agentur. “Wir müssen sehen, was die Menschen am meisten bewegt – das sin die sozielen Themen, gerade für Menschen, die am End des Monats kaum nor über die Runden kommen.” A Mietendeckel through time is as concrete Soul.

In another fragment, with a part of the power, van Aken positions himself clearly: “My Pazifismus is not baked, but not hiflos”, said it with Bezug on the war in the Ukraine. There is a fact that is clear that “Vladimir Putin is an aggressor and a breaker, that his responsibility will be”. The Question, a diplomatic issue for the conflict, is a complex matter. It is not the case that “Einfach only to rest in peace and then to duck away and chuckle, where the Ukraine remains”, so van Aken. “That is no halt, sondern verantwoordwortungsloos.”

Can the Party von überzeugen? The connection is traditionally made by a Doppelspitze-geführt. The diocese Spitzenduo of Martin Schirdewan and Janine Wissler has found an old hat, hat of Aachen now the publisher Ines Schwerdtner, 35, offiziell Interest in Party leadership. Both candidates have made a discovery, they can know, but they can also be found.

Möglich also, that from Aachen and Schwerdtner regardless of seriousness Konkurrenz beim Parteitag antreten and gewählt. Schon das ware in de streitverliebten Linken merkenswert – de Mission, de political party voor dem untergang zu bewahren, would strengthen deutlich.