
Feuer im Chemiepark in Saxony-Anhalt: Feuerwehreinsatz im Bereich der Firma Linde – Aktie dennoch im Plus | 26.08.24

Feuer im Chemiepark in Saxony-Anhalt: Feuerwehreinsatz im Bereich der Firma Linde – Aktie dennoch im Plus | 26.08.24

Im Chemiepark Leuna in Saxony-Anhalt is a Feuer ausgebrochen tomorrow.

In the Laufe des Vormittags the brand is released, like a speaker of the operating company Infraleuna. Verletzt wurde den Angaben zufolge niemand. It is a matter of blowing off steam and a little relief. Residents report in the social networks, that is one of the most important things that Knall and a Druckwelle have done, which neither in adjacent houses, nor in the adjacent areas of their regions exist. The Zwischenfall ended up in the Gelände der Linde, a manufacturer of gases. The operation in the Chemical Park is not beeinträchtigt by the fire. The company is more or less the basis for the exhaustion.

Die Linde AG operates in Leuna after owning the large gas center of the Unternehmens and production by Wasserstoff, Sauerstoff, Stickstoff, Kohlenmonoxid and other Specialgase.

The Linde share is trading 0.72 percent higher on the NASDAQ at US$469.09.
