
Mecklenburg-Vorpommern: Traffic Safety Action “Brems Dich!” zum Schulstart in MV

Mecklenburg-Vorpommern: Traffic Safety Action “Brems Dich!” zum Schulstart in MV

Traffic Safety Action “Brems Close!” zum Schulstart in MV

In Mecklenburg-Vorpommern you start in the new Schuljahr before. For car drivers, they no longer have brands.

Rostock (dpa/mv) – Wenige Tage for Schulbeginn in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, the police and the German Traffic Guard who started the Action “Brems Dich”, with the Autofahrer zu besonderer Rücksicht gegenüber Schülern were ermahnt. Larger tension belts are secondary to the debtor’s debts that are motivating, while the police do this.

A Samstag that has a debt in the north of the country starts with the rest of the world. Damit since we have more children and youth on the roads below, along the way, with the wheel or with bus and road. If the Spaniards have only just started paying debts, more marks will be released, this is so. The Traffic Watch sells its baseball caps in Leuchtfarben a Schulanfänger and Faltblätter with what information and Eltern.

After the Innenministeriums in Schwerin wurden im Jahr 2023 in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern bound 420 Kinder im Alter von 6 tot 14 Jahren bei Verkehrsunfällen verletzt. Fast 70-dieser A trap comes on the way to the school or the school in the house.