
Strive for an EU label: Wem gehört der Döner?

Strive for an EU label: Wem gehört der Döner?

Evening party atmosphere in the Berliner Stadtteil Moabit. The treasures were longer in the Häuserzeilen, the guest of La Vita Döner sits on a hint of the Imbissbude, laugh, stoßen and. Ali Ersöz, 50 and 20 years old, living in the Ein-Mann-Betriebs, thrones and this evening in August on a Stapel Gartenstühle. So, if the Neighbourhood thinks like this, there is a Neighbourhood. It can happen that a bald bald problem is caused.

“Ali, Kundschaft!”, Ruft es vom Stammtisch, and Ersöz swings into the narrow Bude. Eine Kundin would order a Döner Kebab in English, and eat the Fleisch in dünnen Scheiben vom Spieß. “Kalbsfleisch, am Stück”, message set is stolz. “Price for the quality, the criticism about this is more. Kein Hackfleisch or something like that was Original-Döner.”