
Australian | Roadtrip: from Rockhampton to Barcaldine

Australian | Roadtrip: from Rockhampton to Barcaldine


  • Rockhampton
  • Duaringa
  • Blackwater
  • Emerald
  • Gemstone fields
  • Alpha
  • Barcaldinand

579 km

Enjoy a hospitable town and raining Edelsteinfelder in the Outback

Take the Queensland Coastal Road into the Outback and experience an adventure with perhaps history and unwanted sight-seeing. This can be followed by a Roadtrip from Rockhampton to Barcaldine on a route to other high altitude systems, gemstone fields, national parks with beauty and small, historic towns with big characters.

Jede Menge-cultuurer Erlebnisse warten auf dich; so zBdas great Gemälde des Malers Vincent Van Gogh in Emerald.

Stage A approx. 1.5 Standard
Rockhampton → Duaringa 112 km

© Photo: Tourism & Events Queensland – Capricorn Caves (Mt Etna Caves Nationalpark)

Before you start your journey, visit the 30km from Rockhampton entfernten, berühmten Caves of Capricorn. Train to the Road during the height, go to the Wänden and experience a true adventure. With a Schub adrenaline you start on the Capricorn Highway and go on the first journey of Roadtrips.

There’s a hint of Rockhampton going to the Central Highlands: DuaringaThe city was founded in 1870 and is the oldest city in the region. The Old Duaringa Hotel is neither today nor in the Lebensstil der Pionière.

Our Empfohlene Orte und Sehenswürdigkeiten

Entrepreneurs in the area

  • Einfacher Campingplatz in Duaringa im Mackenzie Park (Duschen, Toilets, Trinkwasser, WLan)

First B approx. 1 std
Duaringa → Blackwater 85.3 km

© Photo: Tourism & Events Queensland / Blink Photography – Blackdown Tableland National Park

Zwischen Duaringa und Blackwater führt een Straße zum Blackdown Tableland National Parka 600 m higher Sandstone Plateau, built from the flachen Ebene of the Central Highlands. Here you can make a grand bus trip between a large part and a plan of action.

There Gudda Gumoo gorge trail (4 km behind and to the end, 2–3 steps) you climb along 240 steep slopes in the Gorge behind you and follow the path to the Rainbow Falls from the surrounding Farnes and a unique bird’s eye view. It’s perfect for a bad and a heißen tag. Ghungalu’s fierce feelings are never seen Goon Goon Dina Loopan easy 2.4 km long Buschwanderweg along a wide path.

Judgement: The Schotterweg to the Schlucht is not suitable for Wohnmobile. The Loop Road through the National Park is now for Geländewagen-geeignet.

Blackwater It is the great city of the central highlands and it is a great export of the title of Kohlehauptstadt Queensland. One of the Japanese gardens, the Verbundenheit in Schwesterstadt Fujisawa, which is about Australian Coal Mining Museum.

Our Empfohlene Orte und Sehenswürdigkeiten

Entrepreneurs in Blackwater

First C approx. 1 std
Blackwater → Emerald 75.9 km

© Photo: Tourism & Events Queensland – Emerald Creek Falls

The Capricorn Highway is further depicted in the shady city Emerald. In German Emerald means “Smaragd”. If you leave the country, the city will no longer be at the Edelstein, if you see the Emerald Creek (Photos), the name is worth a secret treasure.

I am Morton Park in Emerald one of the most valuable Van Goghs was found. Das Besondere Daran: is at 20 meters high and on the largest Gemälde of the Southern Hemispheres. Definitely a great photo motivation and absolute must-see.

It is best to put the time and shine of Emerald on another path out Carnarvon National Parkthe most impressive Park of the Gegend, with signaling signs Carnarvon Gorge so make. Knap 3 Std. (240 km) is a one way trip. If you visit the park or in the night of your life. The peculiarity of a man who has a wild brew, one of the Beauty of the Gorge, is that there may be a few beautiful, small walks from the Visitor Center at the Park Entrance.

Our Empfohlene Orte und Sehenswürdigkeiten

Entrepreneurs in Emerald

Unterkünfte in the Carnarvon Gorge

Stage D+E approx. 2.5 Standard
Emerald → Gemstone Fields → Alpha 204 km

© Photo: Tourism & Events Queensland – Rubyvale (Miners Heritage)

Depart the Capricorn Highway for a short flight to the Sapphire Gemstone Fields (Saphir-Edelsteinfeldern), the largest in the world. In the city of Anakie, Sapphire, Willows and Rubyvale the happiness can be played at such small pieces of jewelry during a tour.

In the great desires of Saphirmine Australiens in Rubyvale a 40 minute tour in the “underground” books or überirdisch with Eimern nach Saphiren such can be.

Zurück auf der Route is in Richtung Alpha further into the Outback of Queensland. On the way you should visit the Gebirgskette der Drummond Mountains drive. Stop the room with a few photos, where you can make a picnic and a lookout point.

Alpha Wurde can be described as the “City of Wandmalereien”, 27 of the Zahl and can encompass an entire artistic whole Gebäuden and Mauern, which it was über the History of the City therezählen.

Our Empfohlene Orte und Sehenswürdigkeiten


First F approx. 1.5 Standard
Alfa → Barcaldine 140 km

© Photo: Tourism & Events Queensland – Tree of Knowledge (Barcaldine)

On to continue Barcaldine, the “Garden City of the West”. This town, a dwelling 1.5000, is one of the intersections of Landsborough and Capricorn Highway, which has a shimmering decay. If you have more Bäume, you can find the Straßen säumen, such as zhlreiche Pubs in Kolonialstil.

There Tree of Knowledge (Photo above), a ghostly calyptus, the in the stand of the Bahnhofs, gilded as a symbol of the Arbeiterbewegung, is a collection of the initiators of the highest Australian Labor Party. The tree is a gift that is offered – since 2008 there is much success. This historical way of thinking is one of the consequences of a fall.

Our Empfohlene Orte und Sehenswürdigkeiten

Entrepreneurs in Barcaldine

© Photos: Tourism & Events Queensland / Blink Photography, Title image: THL
updated: 08/24

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