
Trump, Harris seek rules for TV Duell

Trump, Harris seek rules for TV Duell

US presidential candidates Donald Trump and Kamala Harris have been reviewing the rules of their televised duel in September. At the heart of the external set-up are the microphones and the fragments, where these voices are blared, when the political spirit is focused.

One of the Democrats’ Wahlkampf team Harris is convinced that the microphone gives both candidates the chance to change. “If Trump touches the microphone, it is no longer the case that his candidate can be performed for 90 minutes”, this is in a statement, the American media vorlag.

Trump criticizes Harris and Sender ABC

Republican Trump has the anger of the sender ABC blustered, the debate on September 10 (Ortszeit/11 september MESZ) is set. There is a fragment, which you can do something about at all – your hatte is the Duell-zugestimmt. Now writing is on the platform Truth Social, Harris refuses, Interviews have appeared, and now will follow the rules of the debate on “ABC Fake News”. A Speaker Trumps story with: “ABC has conducted the debates with CNN, and will deal with Harris-Lager.”

Damit was the speaker at the TV duel between Trump and the democratic presidential candidate of the United States, the American president Joe Biden. At the duel, the microphones were designed, which made no sound.

They both cover one of CNN-focused debates in June. Biden’s Catastrophaler Auftritt zu seinem Rückzug aus dem Wahlkampf, US-Vize Harris went to the Democratic Party for the Presidentswahl on November 5 when Trump came into Rennen.

Learning from Biden’s TV Debacle

The stummschaltung in the duel between Biden and Trump will send messages about the Bidens team. If the Democrats want, then Trump is in the 81 years that the Democrats are still not available. After Biden had spoken out, Trump had brought his ideas and his ideas with him. If the Mikros has received a stumm, no one has converted him. After the debate about the fight against the Schluss, that – otherwise as he plans – Trump gets the stumming of Mikros, while the 78-year-old age exercises its control.

Team Harris: Trump can’t appear in the 90 minutes during the Stück presentation. (Archivbild) Photo: Brynn Anderson/AP/dpa