
Bohr core material from Bohrloch MHB-30 in Giant Minings Lagerstätte Majuba Hill with analysis of the übermittelt

Bohr core material from Bohrloch MHB-30 in Giant Minings Lagerstätte Majuba Hill with analysis of the übermittelt

Vancouver, British Columbia – August 26, 2024 / IRW-Press / Giant Mining Corp. (CSE: BFG | OTC: BFGFF | FWB: YW5) (“Giant Mining” or “Unternehmen”) You are welcome to use the combined Bohrkernmaterial from the Bohrung MHB-30 (“MHB-30”) – the first Loch der Diamantbohrungen zur Gewinnung von Bohrkernen (das “Core Program“) in der Porphyr-Kupferlagerstätte Majuba Hill („Majuba Hill“) in Pershing County, Nevada – a labor organization of ALS Global Services (“ALS laboratories”) in Elko in Nevada zur Einleitung des Analyseverfahrens übergeben wurde.

I have done some research by the Giant Team, named after geologist Leo Hathaway (Mitglied on the Advisory Board of the Company), who will consider the following decisions of the Bohr sets at Majuba Hill and the Untersuchung of a number of other ways structures of mineralization established. An opaque magmatic-hydrothermal fracture has developed, which has reached the high-level outflow rate in the range of >0.5% of the 2023 block models (a NI43-101 conformer report has been published on the website).

Ein Bild, das Werkzeug, Waffe, Stein, Wand enthält. Automatically generated description

Abbildung 1 – Mit Kupfer mineralisierte Fragmente in magmatic hydrothermaler Brekzie from Bohrloch MHB-30

The core boreholes are guided in the core MHB-30 and MHB-31 through the magmatic-hydrothermal Brekzienkörper-durchteuft (see in the Abbildungen 1 and 2). Bohrloch MHB-31 was built in the Lücke between the Whittle Pits 13 and 43 (who in Abbildung 3 and Abbildung 4 Dargestellt).

The team is prepared with 25,000 meters of core material in the core material and the dimensions of the human resources in Elko (Nevada), with a minimum budget of 50,000,000 to 100,000,000 tons (a NI43-101-compliant message is available). t auf der Website available).

Ein Bild, das Person, Kunst enthält. Automatically generated description

Abbildung 2 – Mit Kupfer mineralisierte Fragmente in magmatic-hydrothermaler Brekzie from Bohrloch MHB-31/9,5 Meter (31 Fuß)

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Illustration 3 – Querschnitt aus dem Blockmodell – Unternehmenspräsentation (available on the website

“Once you start the Fortschritten, the program with the Bohr program at Majuba Hill will be looked at – for everything, the analysis energy is still out and will be able to take a team, who has done everything, the Lagerstätte Majuba Hill to the next level that you have brought,” said David Greenway, CEO of Giant Mining. “Working with the tension on the labor of the ALS Global Services, which still does not exist in the Lagerstätte and its potential will change – will be able to abdecken some of the secret copper supply in North America.”

Leo Hathaway, Consultant at Giant Mining, says: “It is likely that we will see both, while the German mineral mines are considered a great opportunity. We could increase the tension on the Ergebnisse from those Erzkörpern. In the history of geomodeling, Buster and a team were in the low position, the bohrungen were generated, nor were results and contact points found on site.”

A map of a mining area Description automatically generated

Drawing 4 – Historical Holes at Giant Mining in Rot and Planted Bohrungen in Green (RC) and Blue (Kern)

Qualitätssicherung/Qualitätskontrolle (“QA/QC”) and product packaging

The results of the Project Majuba Hill Qualitätssicherungs- und Qualitätskontrollmaßnahmen unter Einhaltung der Guten Branchenpraxis durch. The probes were packed in the fabric or plastic packaging and delivered via sealed core bearings from Giant Mining or directly from the Woods Process for Probenaufbereitungsanlage from ALS Labs in Elko (Nevada). Anschließend, ALS Labs conducted research at an analysis laboratory in Nord-Vancouver (British Columbia).

The examination from the bohr core was longer than in the middle of the time; half an hour can be packed in one of the etiquette texts. All examinations were carried out in the form of gold, silver and 33 other elements. Gold is available from ALS Labs, Au-AA23-Verfahren ermittelt; a weighed teilprobe (30 Gramm) with a flammprobe with abschließender Atomabsorption unterzogen. Copper, silver and the new 31 elements were then or ALS Labs began to improve the ME-ICP61-Method; It is a matter of an external analysis of four hours with an inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscopy (ICP-AES). Around 10 % of the above-ground examinations were carried out twice in the bohr cores, so that standard reference material consists of copper and gold-colored porphyry. The examination and the remaining examination were carried out by ALS Labs.

Qualified Expert

The press conference and the removal of technical and technical information about EL “Buster” Hunsaker III, CPG 8137, did not result in any suspension by geologists and genehmigt. There is a qualified qualification in the Canadian Regulation National Instrument 43-101 – Standards for Disclosure of Mineral Projects (“NI 43-101”).

About Giant Mining Corp.

Giant Mining Corp. has carried out the identification, identification and existence of Copper and Copper-Silver-Gold activities in the fortified stadium. It was a direct response to the well-known nachfrage and the many years of precious metals, which the Green New Deal in the US went through and most other states with their climate programs reforgerufen. The Solche program is heavily based on silver, gold and disinterested copper, an electronic energy supply and other energetic energy sources that produce and that provide more and better electrical infrastructure.

His proposed project is the Copper-Silver-Gold District of Majuba Hill, 156 yards (251 km) north of Reno (Nevada, USA). The management’s administrators would be best advised to choose a main brand, where the mountain-friendly lawsuits are focused, within the framework of the best immunization regimes.

The Canadian Securities Exchange and its regulatory body (referred to in the Canadian Securities Exchange’s Articles of Association as the “Market Regulator”) do not provide any exchange for the purpose of general or public reporting.

To the Board of Giant Mining Corp.

“David Groeneweg”

David C. Groeneweg

Chairman and CEO

More information and further information:

Joel Warawa

VP of Corporate Communications

E: [email protected]

Phone: 1 (855) 475-0745



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Future-oriented excursions

This press conference has yielded the best results, which can be properly implemented as a “zukunftsgerichtte Aussagen”. Zukunftsgerichtete Aussagen sind Aussagen, die nicht auf historical Facten beruhen and in general, jedoch nicht immer, mit Begriffen wie “erwartet”, “plant”, “antizipiert”, “glaubt”, “schätzt”, “prognostiziert”, “potential” and ähnlichen Ausdrücken dargestellt were bzw. in the event that the Ausdruck is used, the Ereignisse or the Umstände becomes a “werden”, “würden”, “könnten” or “solllten”. Obwohl Giant Mining Corp. Animmt, that die in Solchen zkunftsgerichteten Aussagen zum Ausdruckbrachten Erwartungen auf spectacularen Annahmen basieren, weld only Aussagen keine Rückschlüsse auf zukünftige Leistungen zu. The physical experience can be appreciated by your health care providers. Zukunftsoriented equipment is based on the Annahmen, Schätzungen and Meinungen of the Firmenführung of Giant Mining Corp. zum Zeitpunkt van de Ausserung dieserung. Sollten sich die Annahmen, Schätzungen or Meinungen der Firmenführung bzw. Other factories include Gian Mining Corp. not obligatory, these are applicable according to the current status, and are therefore subject to change.

The Ausgangssprache (in the Rule English), in the original text which is light, is the official, authorizing and legally binding version. These instructions can be carried out with confidence. The German language can be kürzt or jijammengefasst sein. There is no Verantwortung or Haftung für de Inhalt, de Direction, de Angemessenheit or de Genauigkeit dieser Übersetzung übernommen. Aus Sicht des Übersetzers stelltt die Notification keine Kauf- oder Verkaufsempfehlung dar! Bitte beachten Sie that English original report,, or on the company website!

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