
Selenskyj dries Russia with Vergeltung roads Luftschlägen

Selenskyj dries Russia with Vergeltung roads Luftschlägen

After the largest Russian Luftan reefs reached Ukraine, President Wolodymyr Selensky announced a retaliation. The military response was used by the Western F-16 Kampfjets, Selenskyj in the video chat. Russia hates the neighboring country after Angaben from Kiev with 236 rockets, marshalling bodies and drones attacking. It is important to know that man has suffered 47 weeks later. Ukraine would have a Russian invasion since February 2022.

Details about the current retaliation against Selenskyj are not known. All things are probably more than those of the second time that the Ukrainian offensive is launched in the Russian area of ​​Kursk. The Ukrainian troops who had taken over their control over the Russian prisoners of war, were the power over the prisoners’ exit.

Selenskyj: Kursk Offensive Compensated for the Waffenfreigabe

The president began the invasion in the Kurdish area, but the western part of the empire was no longer affected by the war in the Russian area. The prices of the Ukrainian Truppen and their reinforcements, the Russian deception is eliminated, are a way, the fehlende erlaubnis of compensations.

Am 6. The August war in Ukraine with 10,000 soldiers in the Kursk region einmarschiert. Selenskyj hates to cook, while the pressure in Moscow became erht alone, just by cooking fresh dishes. Russia has prepared the invasion of the invasion for conversations with a clear understanding.

Selenskyj kündigt Maßnahmen gegen Korruption aus

In a video message Selenskyj reports on problems in his own country in the fight against the Russian Angriffskrieg. Demnach is a message about Collaborators and Strafverfahren against Ukrainians, the Russian aggression is distorted or so in the Krieg that he teilnehmen. The Ukrainian Secret Service reports during parties and hours in the Solchen Fällen.

In the event of a meeting with the chefs of the General State Sanwaltschaft and Border Protection, it is no longer necessary to make an illegal flight from the country, like Selensky. Viele Ukrainian, who for a Kriegseinsatz flight, bezahlen Schleuser, a country across the green border with the Verlassen. Selenskyj can come up with a plan to solve the problem. Bekämpft soll auch die Corruption in Einberufungsstellen, in they are also bisweilen Wehrpflichtige vom Kriegsdienst freikaufen, compensation sie for a Untauglichkeitsbescheinigung Money bezahlen.