
Family and friends in the spotlight

“I enjoyed it, the carabinieri of the murder were quickly found: it can’t help anymore. What we knew, we said. I don’t think that’s the case, I’ll know it”. If there are sisters with the father of his Sharon Verzeni nach Hause nach Bottanuco zurückkehrte, sprach Sergio Ruoccoder Partner der 33-Jährigen, kurz mit den Reportern im Haus der Eltern der vor einem Monat in Terno d’Isola ermordeten Frau: immer ruhig, erklärte der 37-jährige Installateur, since heute nicht zur Arbeit (in Seriate) gewegen sei , whoever was there last week was happy, that’s “tomorrow was born”.

Sharon Verzeni, der Ernährungsberater: «Wir empfehlen keine nächtlichen Spaziergänge, sonondern after the Mahlzeiten and for 30 Minuten. Kein Jogging»

“Wir since sicher, dass es nicht Sergio war”

Ruocco is not suspicious and was his cousin of the Carabinieri vorgeload: since the Night of Mordes an signal Partner, happy for four weeks, there are more risks and more dreams – the men leave both men standing in the Samstag – they are busy with the formalities in the closet. It cannot be the case that more is planted in the greenhouse. The reporter is always the same as Sharon’s father, Bruno Verzeni, who lives here in his home: “Wir since he was there, that’s not Sergio’s war – who are the journalists – he’s his man, he’s not so good, he’s happy niece white, wer. Sergio is turbulent and that may be so. Zwischen ihm and Sharon are about a small tension.

Das Vertrauen von Sharons Eltern

The review of Sharon’s Eltern and Sergio Ruocco is very serious: the success of the past since the installation was completed in 37 years, this is because “who has a sohn” since. Sharon’s Eltern and his Partner said they were always Ruhig en höflich, proud of the Schmerzes über das Geschehene, gegenüber the Journalists, who often go with Kameras in front of their house in the Via Adda stands “Danke, aber we geben in dieser Phase kine Erkungen ab”, antworten siemäßig pines, which die one. provisional Umzäunung klingeln, da der The Außenbereich des Hauses is not fertiggestellt.

“You always went out alone”

In the Zwischenzeit, the Carabinieri of the Ermittlungsabteilung of Bergamo under the leadership of the stellvertretenden Staatswalts Emanuele Marchisio in the Ermittlungen fortress. As a woman from Via Merelli in Terno d’Isola, where Sharon Verzeni lived, the 33-year-old often went to the house, or to the stunde, not worried in jogging clothes and much more: «Often she went outside and however it is, it goes practically closer and closer to the road, there is a woman who robs the world of war, the light in the Mord and the Frau who brings them.

Der Rat des Ernährungsberaters

The last few minutes before the end of the day during the night were Montag, dem 29., und Dienstag, dem 30. July, in der Via Castegnate in Terno d’Isola, weniger as 800 Meter von dem Haus entfernt, in dem Sharon seit three Years with my partner lebte. The Sharons family has started saving the spa – the beginning of winter – on the rat of the ernährungsberaters that are going to run. In the Zwischenzeit wurden im Provinzbüro von Bergamo weiterhin Personen, who “über die Tatsachen sind” (also ohne Anwalt and nicht as Verdächtige), verhört. In this beautiful Carabinieri series the people of the Via Castegnate and, next to the Colleagues from the Bar “Vanilla Food” in Brembate, natural relatives and family dependants, and then the Neighbours of the Via Merelli in Terno and one of the Persons, who in the Superwatch Cameras in the Night of the Murders it is so that it can happen: In general, more than a hundred people were asked to “inform about the facts”. No one could say that he is a little bit crazy, one of the things he does.

Sharon Verzeni, isn’t autumn insulting? The position of Sergio Ruocco and the blind Fleck, the little camera disappeared

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